Tuesday, April 26, 2016

And around this corner we have ...

As others have written here, I'm at a Stage of Life where things are changing. 5 years ago we moved (again) to a new home in Iowa, and while I love it here, I'm ready to downsize and move on. To what? I have no idea, but we're exploring possibilities.

I have never been tied to Stuff and have readily weeded out, tossed, pitched, and otherwise shed belongings as I move. After all, I've moved something like 25-30 times in 40 years, so it pays to travel light. But lately I've been thinking there's more to it than just examining and pitching. So I got "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" -- you know the book, the one that promises if you examine items for 'joy', you'll figure out where you're going in life.

I've just started reading it (OK. I don't read. I skim. But it's a very skimmable book). I'll report back next month on my progress. So far, it's making sense and so far, I think I'm unconsciously already doing a lot of what she says.

Case in point: when we bought our current house, we bought some of the furniture that was here. It fit, ours was old so why move it, etc. I honestly don't care about furnishings as long as they're comfortable, but lately I've felt they weren't quite Us. They just didn't fit with who I am now. So I told DH, sell the furniture (on Craigslist). We did, went out and bought new furniture (nothing pricey; I'm Slumberland all the way), and now the rooms feel right.

I think I realized that if we move to a new home, I didn't want to take that 'inherited' furniture with us, so why not find what I wanted now?

That's sort of the theme of the book: find what fits for you and keep it. Get rid of the other stuff.

Anyway -- I'll report back in a few weeks on the experiment. The big test will be on my computer hard drive -- can I pitch some of those old manuscripts and scenes that I think I'll use someday?

We'll see ...



Liz Flaherty said...

I have a little envy going on. We've lived in our house for 39 years come November. Although I love the idea of downsizing, the very idea of moving after that amount of time horrifies me.

Margo Hoornstra said...

Ah, yes, the real test. Tossing out, I mean REALLY DELETING, old manuscripts. Like Liz, we've lived in the same house for nearly 40 years. I, too, am getting the bug to downsize. My kids say I'll never be able to do it! As you say, We'll see ... Good luck in your efforts, JL.

Leah St. James said...

I've lived in too many places to count, and even with all that periodic tossing, we still have a ton of "stuff"--like mementos from when the kids were little. They don't want them ("Those are YOUR memories, Mom"), but I can't make myself get rid of them. As far as manuscripts, I've never completely deleted any. I keep thinking I might find use for those words some day ... if I actually remember that I have them!

Diane Burton said...

Most of you have read my story about finally moving because I wanted to--not because of Hubs' job. Paying for the move (instead of the company) certainly inspired me to get rid of things. An estate sale did the trick. So did donating things. Our local library was the recipient of all those books I'd gotten at conferences and was going to read "someday." I'm comfortable in this house. Still have too much "stuff." Right now, it's okay.

Re: manuscripts. I'm trying to find the 2nd half of a story I started a while (and 2 computers) ago. It's on a disk or USB somewhere.

Brenda Whiteside said...

J L I definitely want to hear how you felt about the book. Sounds like one I could read. We too have moved 25 times (on last count) in 47 years. I always weed out but have seriously been wondering about getting rid of everything...or close to it. I LOVE my dining room set but it won't fit in an RV. LOL But then trying to decide if all I want is an RV. Decisions. I'll wait for your report.

Jannine Gallant said...

I've spent almost my entire adult life in Tahoe. We've been in the same house for 19 years, and before that we were in rentals in the same town, so moving wasn't much of an issue. As a result, we have a ton of crap that we need to get rid of. Hmm, what are the odds that's going to happen?

Rolynn Anderson said...

JL, the skeptic in me comes out with this 'joy' book. A friend of mine has read it and "believes" in its premise. Is it a book for the wealthy, I wonder, who can dump and buy at will. And for me, one item gives me joy one day and another day not so much. I change over time...so I wonder if the joy factor isn't knee jerky. Oh well, sorry, I'm in one of my questioning moods. Tell us your progress.

Anonymous said...

I used to be one of those people who do the 'Spring Cleaning' and toss out whatever I haven't worn/enjoyed seeing/ 'don't use 'etcetcetc Not so much anymore, but I do think we needn't keep ALL family heirlooms, or ALL the furniture we once loved that's no longer right for the house. Painful to admit but... you do feel lighter in the end.