We would like:
1) a post about any topic, your book blurb, a PG excerpt, and your buy links attached to the email in ONE Word document. Please also note if you'd like to host a contest. (this always brings in more readers)
2) your book cover art attached to the email as a JPG or PNG
3) a headshot of you, if you'd like, attached to the email as a JPG or PNG
Please do not send media kits. Send your info as stated above.
Due to the delicate issue of copyright infringement, we are sorry we cannot post any additional photos with your blog.
Please have all this to Brenda (Brenda (AT) BrendaWhiteside (DOT) com) by at least three days before your guest posting date. (She will send you a reminder, too.)
Please make note of your date to visit The Roses of Prose in your calendar. I might forget to remind you. While the craziness of life happens to us all, please inform us if you can't post on your day. We hate to disappoint our readers.
Thank you! We're pleased that you will be our guest!
~January 25 Liz Flaherty
~January 28 Diana Rubino
~January 31 Sharon Ashwood
~February 25 Teresa Inge
~February 28 Kayelle Allen
~March 25 Seelie Kay
~March 28 Linda O'Connor
~March 31 Leslie Scott
~April 25 Judy Alter
~April 28 C Hope Clark
~May 25 CB Clark
~May 28 Kris Bock
~May 31 Ann Everett
~June 25 Beverly Bateman
~June 28 Alana Lucas
~July 25 Luanna Stewart
~July 28 Paty Jager
~July 31 Heather Redmond
~August 25 Holly Bargo
~August 28 Sharon Ervin
~August 31 Laura Haley-McNeil
~September 25 Heather Weidner
~September 28 Nicole Morgan
~October 25 Elsie Davis
~October 28 Laura Critchfield
~October 31 Jennifer Wilck