Book Covers...or...That Feeling You Get by Jannine Gallant
The big morning arrives. You haven't even finished your first cup of coffee when you open your email and discover the one you've been waiting for is in the queue... You know, THE ONE. A jpeg for your new book cover accompanied by an email telling you it's your FINAL cover and can't be changed unless they spelled your name wrong, and even then, they might just let it go... Nerves flutter. Your stomach tightens. Still, you're beside yourself with excitement. Your finger hovers over the button to pull up the image while you say a little prayer...
We've all been there...unless we create our own covers or have a heck of a lot to say about the cover images chosen. With Kensington, they ask for info on the book, a description of my H&H and my ideas for the cover. After that it's out of my hands. For my Who's Watching Now series, I got similar covers with attractive backgrounds close enough to work for each story, and hot, headless guys. Even though my heroes had never worn tank tops in their lives, I decided I was okay with all those muscles showing. At this point in my career, I'd rather sell books than have total accuracy in my cover images. Also, though some readers aren't fans of headless heroes, you can't pick the wrong model if you can't see his face!
I was on edge waiting for my first cover in my Born To Be Wilde series. I knew the concept would be repeated for all four books, so it was nerve wracking! The email came, and I was in LOVE! The hero and heroine of Wilde One looked EXACTLY how I pictured them (except for the ubiquitous tank top) with the perfect background. Whew...huge relief. Since the first two books will be back-to-back releases, my cover for Wilde Side followed close behind. I stared. I swallowed. My stomach dropped. But, but, that wasn't how I pictured my hero and heroine. She had on too much makeup, and he had weird, trendy hair and a too-intense expression. But the background was spectacular. Always a plus. Maybe my expectations were too high. The cover worked, but it wasn't...perfect. I am, however, getting used to it. Maybe trendy hero hair will attract a younger audience. Just because I'm not a big fan of makeup doesn't mean readers will find anything wrong with my heroine and her fake lashes. LOL
So, do the strong mind pictures we have of our characters set us up for failure when it comes to covers? Have you received covers you either loved or hated? What do you think of mine? Will they sell books? After all, that's the cover's number one job. Pleasing the author is just a bonus!
To pre-order Wilde One or Wilde Side, just click on the titles above! Check out my other books on my WEBSITE.
I think your covers are great. The job of the cover is to sell the book. It took me a long time and little earnings to grasp that fact. I didn't want bare-chested men on my covers and made that clear in CAPS on my cover request sheets. I finally relented. I do get to choose. My team at Random House sends me several blank men shots, sine I prefer a male over a couple, for now. I chose the guy I want out of 5 candidates. A couple weeks later, I get 4 sample covers. I ask for different fonts, different colors here and there. They do their best to give me what I want. It'll be interesting to see how we work the book I'm writing now. The hero has an amputated arm. I've warned them they'll have to be on the lookout for a side view of a muscular man.
Jannine, one of the biggest reasons I like self-pubbing is control over covers. It's such a nail-biting experience as you describe it so well. Still, I am not an artist, so I feel inept at describing what I want and judging what I get. More to the point, I don't have insight on what our readers expect/respond to. Clearly, Kensington's got a handle on all this (she said, hopefully). Your two book covers convey a background/setting with emphasis on the relationship, that's clear to me. Both couples are pleasant and look a little wild...but not over the top. Love your logo and your title motif. I think the covers will sell! Yay!
Vonnie, you're one lucky lady to get that much control. Since my last covers were just men, I think they wanted to change it up to couples for this series.
I'm certainly hoping these covers sell books, Rolynn! I loved working with Alison when I self published. Although I probably drove her crazy with the back and forth nitpicking to get them perfect! LOL
I think they're fantastic, Jannine. Like you, I'm not to sure about the trendy hair on Hero No. 2, but I also don't want bare-chested men on my covers, so what do I know?! :-)
I think it's better to have them similar in theme but different details, like these are. I often look to the cover (rather than the title) as my first indication whether I've read a book. These would be easily identifiable for me by the backgrounds if nothing else.
Congrats again! These are both going on my Kindle wish list!
Argh...typo in my comment above. Should have been: I'm not "too" sure...
I think his hair strikes a weird note with us, Leah, because we're old. (sigh) But I've been paying attention to reality TV and noticing tons of 20 and 30 somethings have this same cut now! Go figure. I always rebel against half-naked men on the cover because my books don't have the heat level to support what those covers advertise. Readers would have expectations that the book wouldn't deliver on, and there's nothing quite as annoying as a one star review because your book doesn't have enough sex to suit the reader!
I love them both. They are very eye-catching. I have had to learn, as an author and an editor dealing with authors disappointed in their covers because it's not 'exactly' how they imagined it, that as you said, covers are to sell books. Also, covers are just 'representative' of the characters and stories. They do not have to be exact replicas. I used to not want people on my covers because I was afraid I'd be let down if they weren't how I pictured my hero/heroine. Now I've decided that it doesn't have to be how I picture them, and people normally sell covers better than objects. HUGE congrats! Sounds like an awesome series.
I agree with Alicia. I love both covers. I usually tell the cover artist I don't want people on the cover because I like readers to be able to imagine what the characters look like and they will never come out exactly as you, the writer, imagined them. But I have had people on the cover, including one hot guy cover that I'm still not sure I'm comfortable with. I prefer scenery. I've been happy with my covers. I wish you much success with this series.
Even when self-pubbing you have that same anxious feeling when you get a cover from your artist. Did he understand what you wanted? You hold your breath and then when you open it the photo comes up a little at a time, which keeps the suspense building. I've had a few where I've thought, "What was he thinking?" But I've had more that have taken my breath away and needed barely any changes. For me, the cover needs to capture the "feel" of the book more than be totally accurate to the story. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. After reading the first in your Who's Watching Now series, I can't wait to read this series!
You know how I feel about covers. LOL. I like both your new covers, actually better than the ones for the Who's Watching Now series. Headless naked men tend to look a lot alike. Of the two Wilde Ones covers, I think I prefer Wilde Side. Like you, I love that background. When choosing images and concepts for my own covers, I consider (briefly) whether I'm giving the right impression of the heat level, but so far I haven't had any reader complaints. I keep reminding myself that the purpose is to attract reader attention with a striking image that will stand out in a small format.
Ally and Marilyn, funny how we all started in the "scenery only" camp simply to play it safe. The first time I got a hot guy on the cover, I nearly had a stroke worrying about what my grandma would think! But, the fact that hot guys sell books made a believer of me. LOL
MJ, at least with self-pubbed books, you can ask your artist to make changes. Alison and I did a lot of little adjustments once we settled on the background and people for my self-pubbed series. Takes some of the pressure off knowing you have that control.
Alison, so many elements of a cover to think about! I've had complaints about my headless men before. I wasn't surprised when they gave me "complete" people this time. Yeah, the background on Wilde Side is stunning and almost makes up for my hero's weird hair. LOL
Although I'm not a fan of tank tops on guys, I think both of these covers will definitely sell books. Like you said, the backgrounds are beautiful. I've had covers I've loved and covers I've not so loved. One of the perks of self publishing is picking your own artwork. Since I'm fortunate and got to read both of these in the 'CP Realm' I have to say, I do think they captured the essences of each couple. Weird hair, fake lashes and all. LOL
Good to know I have your stamp of approval, Margo!
I think we get so worried about covers because we know from experience how a cover can completely turn you off on a book. "Don't judge a book by its cover" is a good warning, but we all do it. I think these covers are great as I'm sure the books will be. Congrats!
Good point, Diane. Especially with a new author, the cover can make or break the deal for whether or not you try their book!
These are outstanding covers. I've had my own qualms about my covers. I just wish the artists would read what I took such pains to request for the cover. I feel that would "cover" a host of problems. Best of luck!
Thanks, Susan. I know what you mean. In the past, I've felt like they read my request, laughed, then did what they want. Kensington has been good about getting the major details right.
I like the cover for Wild One. The other, not so much. I agree about the hair & make-up. But then, maybe it will attract the younger readers. Hey, whatever works.
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