Blackberries - before |
Blackberries now |
Keep America Beautiful - I think we're doing our part. Our house was empty for over a year. The grass was dead in most spots and non-existent in others. The fruit trees were stunted and the blackberry bushes looked dead. But what a difference a couple of months make - along with a little water and backbreaking work. And what else? We don't litter. I can remember growing up in Phoenix and tossing whatever we didn't want in the car out the window. It bothered me even then. Now that I think back, it's so hard to imagine doing that. Why oh why would you throw your trash out the car window to litter the roads and scenery?
Sad tree - before |
Happy pear tree now |
Rusty thinking about dinner |
Rusty when it thunders |
Brenda and her husband are gypsies at heart having
lived in six states and two countries. Recently, they moved to prairie country
in Arizona and are enjoying the wide-open spaces while tending fruit trees and
veggie gardens. They share their space with their dog, Rusty. When Brenda isn’t
at her laptop writing, she enjoys hiking, motorcycle riding and the company of
good friends.
Brenda at www.brendawhiteside.com.
on FaceBook: www.facebook.com/BrendaWhitesideAuthor
blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at http://rosesofprose.blogspot.com
blogs about prairie life on her personal blog http://brendawhiteside.blogspot.com/
I think you beautifully described a celebration of diversity. Different types coming together and getting along. Kudos to you and your family. And the pics of Rusty are adorable!
You covered everything quite well, Brenda. Gotta love a woman who can touch on everything in one way or another, and you're right, those were some 'awllll' pictures of beautiful Rusty.
Nice blog Brenda, loved the pictures.
Thanks for commenting, ladies. First time I've been near a computer today and I'm getting ready for bed. Have a great night!
Thanks for commenting, ladies. First time I've been near a computer today and I'm getting ready for bed. Have a great night!
Thanks for the photos and blog Brenda. Nice to get an update on what's up with you! Take care and see you on FB! :)
Thanks, Linda. Back at you!
Enjoyed your blog. Love your doggie. Cute!
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