I don’t make a dime on this book, that’s okay, because I truly enjoyed the
wasn’t lying, I had a good time writing that book every step of the way.
Who wouldn't love the
magic that happens when you combine the concepts of what if and why not.
Or the
germ of an idea as it becomes the pages of a first draft.
reconsiderations and rewrites as characters develop pasts and personalities.
suggestions of critique partners and editors who see possibilities I never
would have imagined.
value of their fresh eyes on a manuscript I’d read over and over and over
again was invaluable. They caught everything from typing mistakes to erroneous descriptions.
(The hero’s eyes were brown when he was introduced then somehow turned to green
later on.) To incomplete story arcs. (The heroine had issues with her father that
needed to be resolved.)
my work was made better as a result.
What I really enjoyed were the
occasional and coveted WOW! comments from an editor who had read and re-read my
many, many writes and re-writes as we neared the finish line.
the jpg file of cover art is another kick. A combination of my descriptions and the artist’s
And that wonderful experience of the
book going ‘live’ as it’s introduced and available for public consumption.
sir, I certainly did enjoy the process of writing my first book. But, now that
I have three more books published for the Class of '85 series, one contracted and soon to be released for a new Dearly Beloved series and with
more in the works, getting a dime or two for all that effort would be nice.

By the way, my contribution is To Be, Or Not.
Hope to see you there.
There's something about that first book. We poor our heart into it, only to find out just how much we don't know about the art of writing. The agony of trimming our baby and shaping it into something publishable is truly a memorable experience. Thanks for sharing your journey through the birth of your first!
Memorable indeed. Thanks for being a part of my process.
I'm currently reading 'to be or not' and enjoying it.
Music to my ears, Barbara. Especially the part about enjoying it. Thank you.
Writing certainly has its ups and downs, doesn't it? It's important to remember the feelings we had when we finished that first manuscript, received that first contract, held that first book in our hands--that's helps get you through the tougher times. It's important to keep the joy in writing. I've read a number of the Class of '85 books and have marked the free days on my calendar to pick up a few more. And of course, I'm going to get To Be, or Not as soon as it's released. Best of luck.
Hi, Margo
sorry for the delay in responding to your post. Your words brought back many great memories of when I held my first book in my hands for the first time. It was exactly how I felt when they placed my first baby in my arms. That little girl was as much wanted as the book.
thanks for making that all come back!
Kat Doran
Love your enthusiasm. Great post.
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