I love books.

Then I learned the secret code that made those shapes mean something. At 4, I learned to read!

As an author myself, I know just how much hard work, sacrifice, sweat, tears, cursing, and sheer, unadulterated joy goes into the writing of a book.

So here’s a Thank You Valentine to the latest:
Jonathon Kellerman – Mystery, and Silent
Carolyn McCray – Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Jannine Gallant– Lonely Road to YouK.M.Weiland – Dreamlander
Kristen Lamb – Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer
Shannon O’Neil and Toni Tesori (Duolit) – Building Your Fan Base
Brenda Novak – Body Heat
Harlan Corben – No Second Chance
Tim Vicary – A Fatal Verdict
Linda Laroque – A Stolen Chance
Laura Breck – Dancing in a Hurricane
Ann Charles – Dead Case in Deadwood and JackRabbit Junction Jitters
Carolyn J. Rose – No Substitute for Murder
Linden MacIntyre – The Bishop’s Man
Oh, dear – I promised myself to keep the list
short…. But so many books, so little time…visit some of these authors and maybe you, too, will fall in love with their work.
Send a Valentine to an author you love. It
doesn’t have to be a fancy card with lace and roses, or even chocolates
(although chocolates are always good!) Just a quick email, a mention on
Twitter, FB, or your blog, or an
appreciative one or two sentence review on Amazon. Do you have any idea what a
good review means to us writers? Heaven….

Hi Glenys,
My valentine would have to go here. To the other members of the Roses of Prose who have enriched my writing life by being so gracious and well, loving, in inviting me to become one of them. I'm having a great time! Happy Valentine's Day!
I'd have to send a Valentine to all the talented authors I've met on line, many of whom have become true friends. I wish each one of them much success! And thank you to you, for mentioning my book. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Like you my list would crash the internet. Let me start with my fellow prosers. Happy Valentine's Day.
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