Normally, I begin on page one and write straight through until "The End." I don't care about the niceties of the story, just about getting the bones sketched out and words on paper. I am a self-confessed devotee of Ann Lamott's "shitty first draft." I only begin writing when I begin editing, moving parts around, worrying over every word, every sentence. That works for a linear novel, which

I didn't have an outline. I tried to write the way I always do, linearly. Doesn't work if your story isn't linear, but is more circular than anything. When the narrator of two stories commented on a letter, I put the letter verbatim in each story. So not needed. When I let one character comment on the situation but not read the letter until later, the conflict made sense.

Whew! The gaps became painfully obvious. One reader of a story asked why one character was so angry all the time. "What she always this bitchy?" Well, no, she wasn't, but circumstances overwhelmed her, turning her to vodka. To understand and empathize with her, I needed her backstory. Oh, my another chapter.
I had several pages of notes before I went to the flip chart. The first image here contains notes and suggestions, arrows and scratch-outs. Not easy to follow. The second image is a pencil chart of what I thought I needed. At that time, I needed to know what year a chapter took place in and how old the central and ancillary characters were. Still not enough. The image of the flip chart is what I'm using now. I can take a quick glance, move a sticky note around, move a chapter around, all without messing up anything.
If all this works, the book, Out of the Desert, will be out toward the end of the year. I hope.
This is my story about how the novel in stories is progressing. I'm sticking to it. I'll keep you up to date as things progress. Until them, write away, write now.
Betsy Ashton is the author of the Mad Max Mystery series, Unintended Consequences, Uncharted Territory, and Unsafe Haven. She is also the author of the stand-alone psychological suspense novel, Eyes Without A Face. Her works appear in several anthologies, including 50 Shades of Cabernet. She resides at Smith Mountain Lake, VA.
Betsy, you've managed to amaze, fascinate and terrify me in one post! :-) I am amazed at the amount of work and effort and fascinated with your different systems. As for the terror, I am a linear writer as well, and I'm afraid my brain might explode if I were to try a "circular" method. I definitely would need that level of visual organization were I EVER to attempt anything like that though. I'm already intrigued by the story. Hurry up and finish so we can read it!
Wow! Your OUT OF THE DESERT should be called OUT OF THE MORASS! Listen, any tactic that helps a writer find her way to completion is a blessing...and every book brings new risks...and a need to tweak the approach. You used the word 'progressing.' I say, YAY!
I'm always interested in hearing how another author writes. I write in a linear fashion with only a vague opening plan in my head. I learn where my story is going as I type, so in a way it's like reading a book. Surprisingly, it isn't a huge mess. LOL Best of luck with this new project!
Wow, Betsy. As a die-hard linear writer, the process you've described is both fascinating and terrifying. Within the first hour I'd be in desperate need of that vodka you mentioned. Like Leah, I'm intrigued with the storyline and hope you'll keep us up to date on your progress.
Well, I for one am totally wanting to read this. It sounds so different and what a story line. I had a similar experience when I added murder and multiple villains to my story. I had to plot and chart, etc. Sounds like you are stretching and it will be so beneficial. You go!
Wow, Betsy. I'm a linear writer also. I read (a long time ago) that Diana Gabaldon would write scenes (a page per scene) then lay the pages on the floor and shift them around until she had the right order. Then she would write transitions between the scenes. I think my head would explode, too, Leah, if I tried that. But, hey, whatever works. Can't wait to read this, Betsy. I'm definitely intrigued.
Another Wow--this sounds like a great book but I sure am glad I didn't think of it first! Good luck, and will look forward to reading it.
Your process is interesting, and exhausting, LOL. But, it sounds like it works well. I have tried different approaches on each story I write, and this last one seems to work well. Now, I just need to find time to actually write!
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