I’m serious.
Well, my heroes, anyhow. They come to me
at night when I’m in that fragile, fluttery state between wakefulness and
sleep. This is how all my stories are born—with my heroes' appearances. And they've all been dramatic in their own way.
For some writers, it’s the nub of a thought,
or a snippet of an overheard conversation, or something read in a newspaper or
magazine that sparks a “what if” idea.
Not for me, though.
For me, it’s the men.

I couldn’t respond--I mean, I thought I was near mad, myself. I just left Storm
talk about the blue-eyed woman he’d been dreaming of while I drooled onto my pillow.
Several months later, I was writing a
romantic suspense set in Paris. My hero was a French government agent and my
heroine an older American school teacher. Things were going fairly well for
this pantser. After all, writing a story set in the City of Light was like
revisiting the jewel along the Seine. I was enjoying the process.

I’d just dropped back to sleep when the
door banged shut again. This time I saw who the culprit was—Niko, my French
government agent. “What? What do you want?”
“That’s it? You woke me up for that
piddlin’ little bit? Why is Alyson tied up? Why are you angry?” Oh, I was not happy.
It took me four chapters to set-up that door slamming scene in Mona Lisa’s Room.
Another night, a man roared into our
bedroom on a Harley. Niko and I were still arguing. Seems he didn’t think he
needed to wear his Kevlar vest. Frenchmen and their egos—go figure. So, really,
the absolute last thing I wanted in my crowded mind was another man. I grunted
and rolled against Calvin’s back.
Mr.-Harley-Man started circling our bed, slow and easy just the way my youngest boy resorted to when he wanted to get on my last nerve. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I flopped onto my back. “What? What is it?” He got off his bike, took off his helmet, and adjusted his prosthesis. Somehow I knew he’d lost part of his leg in Iraq. “My name’s Win, short for Sherwin. Would you write my story?” Well, he was so polite with that Texas twang. I mean, what else could I do?
Mr.-Harley-Man started circling our bed, slow and easy just the way my youngest boy resorted to when he wanted to get on my last nerve. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I flopped onto my back. “What? What is it?” He got off his bike, took off his helmet, and adjusted his prosthesis. Somehow I knew he’d lost part of his leg in Iraq. “My name’s Win, short for Sherwin. Would you write my story?” Well, he was so polite with that Texas twang. I mean, what else could I do?
Not all the men who come into my bedroom
late at night are grown. Eli, a golden-haired three-year-old threw a tantrum on
my bedroom carpet one night. His chubby little hands were clenched in someone’s
blue calico skirt. “Mine. Mine.” I had no clue what to make of him. Then a tumbleweed
blew into our room with a piece of matching blue calico tied to it. And Tumbleweed Letters was born.
One lucky commenter will be chosen at random to win a copy of Storm's Interlude. Paperback or eBook, your choice. All you have to do is tell me what kind of dreams you have about men...well, the PG parts, anyhow.
I loved this post! So clever and intruiging. And yes, it's always in that twilight half sleep that men (ahem...my heroes) visit me too.
I had a lovely visit from a blond colonel who fought for the Union army during the Civil War then ended up being cursed to life as a werewolf by a friend turned rival. Things grew really complicated for Caleb DeCardian when a freak shower of ball lightning hurtled him into the 21st century. Caleb appears in my soon-to-be released paranormal Weathering rock.
Then there was Dr. Elijah Cross, a brillant twenty-five year old marine archeologist who falls hard for an older woman while their involved in a treasure hunt. Twelfth Sun is in submission land right now.
Lately, I have a sexy medical doctor with dark hair invading my dreams as he tries to help a woman gifted with magical healing abilities.
Ahhh...men and heroes. You gotta love 'em! :) And I think I'm already in love with your Storm!
maeclair (at) maeclair (dot) com
Thanks for sharing! I'm always intrigued by the portals writers use in their stories for their characters to jump from one era to another. So, you've used a freak lightning storm. Hmmm...interesting. I hope your men keep coming to you at night. It's a delightful way to meet them, isn't it?
Vonnie..you are simply adorable and may I say...one-class-act. Love ya.
Vonnie, you crack me up. I loved this post. I'm reading Storm's Interlude right now and can't wait to read more of your books! Looking forward to meeting you at the ranch in Texas. Stop by and visit me at Just Romantic Suspense where I'm blogging today. (Mal)
Oh what great things happen to you at night! Loved the post. Have fun in Texas. We have to miss this year.
Hi Vonnie. I just wish the men who turn up in my dreams were as sexy as your heroes. The most recent dream man was wielding a chainsaw...and no it wasn't a character from a horror story I was writing- he was a tree surgeon. I hadn't even called in a tree expert(can afford them) As he waved the scary chainsaw around he was telling me that my rowan tree had to be cut down, or it might knock my roof off. I think my dream was telling me I'm a lousy gardener these days!! Happy writing!
Awwwll, thank you, Karen. You're quite adorable yourself.
Oh, Mal, now I'll be nervous. I hope you enjoy the read. We'll see each other in TExas in a few weeks. Can't wait.
Margo, sorry to hear you won't be at the writers' retreat. We're looking forward to it. Calvin's not overly excited about folding himself into a plane seat, but he always enjoys new experiences and new places. Thanks for stopping by.
Chainsaws!!! Eeek! That was no dream you had; that was a nightmare. Shudders. How can you garden outside when you're gardening your stories inside...planting plot seeds, weeding out unnecessary words and watering with zippy dialogue.
Very creative post. Loved it!
Thanks, Lisa. Don't forget to visit the Roses of Prose again and again. We've always got something happening here.
Vonnie, sometimes you scare me a little, but you always crack me up. I have a sleep disorder and don't dream. Last night was the first night in a week that I've slept for more than three hours. Maybe that's why I day-dream so much. I see a picture of a beautiful man and can hear his voice telling me a story. Sometimes songs do it for me. I love music.
BTW, I loved Storm's Interlude and Violet Eyes. Can't wait to read the others.
Love this!
What a fascinating way to "meet" your new novels. My books tend to start with a glimpse of a snapshot - the heroine watching a man brought in on a stretcher, a hero holding up a hand to halt his patrol when he hears something odd ahead.
My heroes don't come up and talk to me...which is too bad. If you have any extras - send them my way!
Oh, Sandra, sometimes I scare myself!!
Sorry to hear about your sleep disorder. My youngest uses a CPAP. And while I was in college during those horrendous menopause years, I had episodes of narcolepsy. When we don't sleep well, our whole life is altered.
Sorry, Willa, I'm having too much fun with these men to share. LOL
Vonnie, even your subconscious has a romantic streak a mile wide. I don't think I dream - ever. At least I never remember them. My heros come to me after I come up with a plot. I guess they sort of evolve. The perfect guy for the perfect setting.
Jannine, your way sounds more logical. I don't always run on logic. LOL
And, Vonnie, your readers and friends love you back. No wonder your stories are so interesting with an imagination like yours. I remember the one with the Harley from before and thought WOW when I heard that one. Do you ever get rest???
LOL Vonnie! I've got to share this post! So much fun! I wish my heroes visited me at night - although it sure would play havoc with sleep! Then again, I think I'd rather spend time with the likes of your heroes than sleep anyway :)
Yep, you're definitely a writer :) Either that or schizophrenic, lol! Good thing those men don't leave you alone or we wouldn't get the stories born out of that. Hmm, I never get men waking me at night... Lucky girl!
Give the book to someone who hasn't read SI, Vonnie. I just had to see what you and your men are up too this time. My dreams of men are nothing to recall...literally- I never recall dreams. I admire you! Great post.
Paisley, it's all a matter of subconscious, isn't it? When we finally allow our creative minds to rest, they charge ahead making their own scenarios. I didn't know how I was going to end the final book of my romantic suspense series, then two little orphan boys came to me. One was blind and his older brother was full of attitude...and, viola, the ending was there.
Thanks so much, LaVerne. While my heroes come to me fully formed, I don't get a real handle on my heroines until 20,000 words into the story. Then I have to go back and do some rewriting.
Angela, believe me, there are times I'd rather sleep. It's like a testosteron convention in my mind sometimes.
Calisa, Calvin just read my post and asked why his name wasn't in a larger font. LOL Men...
My dreams aren't always book related, but when they are, they're such fun.
Don't be surprised if I show up at your door one night in my PJs with my pillow under one arm. Can we have a slumber party with ALL of them?
Oh, Tiffany, wouldn't that be wild? Who can explain how our creative minds work? Not I.
I have over a 1000 emails to read, and yet your Blog stands out. I think that alone makes you an amazing writer. Keep it up.
Oh, hugs Morgan, you are a dear.
I put everyone's name in Calvin's hat and he's drawn Mae Clair as the winner of a copy of STORM'S INTERLUDE. Mae, I'll be contacting you right away. Thanks for leaving a comment.
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