This month we’re talking
about where writers get their ideas. Every story is born from bits and pieces lifted
from life or conjured by the imagination, but my second book, A Man Like That, followed a different
path from my first because it’s a sequel.
When I plotted Harvest of Dreams, I had no thought of
writing a sequel. I was thrilled just to write a complete book that made sense
and I loved, but about halfway through, something surprising happened. Two of
the secondary characters grabbed me by the throat and wouldn’t let go. Their
romance appeared to resolve at the end of the first book, but by then I knew
them too well to be fooled into thinking their relationship could ever go that
smoothly. I had to write their story to find out what happened next.
Many experienced writers
have written helpful articles about how to plan a sequel or series—how to construct
charts to keep the details straight and plan an overall story arc. In my
ignorance, I did none of those things. As it turned out, I didn’t need to.
Jessy and Morgan had become so alive to me I had no trouble picking their story
up where it left off at the end of Harvest
of Dreams.

The setting I chose for A Man Like That is also a bit
unorthodox. You don’t see many historical romances set the Ozark Mountains in
southern Missouri ,
but there’s a personal connection for me. My husband’s family is from that
area, and I had lots of fun incorporating some of their speech patterns into
the book. One of my mother-in-law’s favorite threats when my husband was
growing up was “You’d better watch it or I’m going to jerk a knot in your
tail”. I had to borrow that one; it’s perfect for so many situations, don’t you
Here’s the blurb for A Man Like That:
Jessamine Randall, fearless crusader
and champion of the downtrodden, is not a woman to be left waiting at the
altar. When her fiancé disappears hours
before their wedding, the ever-resourceful Jessy hatches a plan to track him down
and bring him back where he belongs.
Morgan Bingham knows he’s no
good. Never has been. Never will be. A former outlaw is no fit husband for the
only daughter of the town judge, despite her misguided notions. Besides, after ten long years away from home,
it’s time to return to the hills and face his demons.
Ill-prepared, but armed with
unshakeable certainty, Jessy follows Morgan to his family’s cabin deep in the Ozark Mountains where she’s sucked into a whirlpool of
deep secrets and old hatreds. While she
struggles to bring light and hope into their dark lives, her greatest challenge
is Morgan himself. Can she ever
convince him he’s worthy of love?
Today I’m giving away a free
print copy of A Man Like That to one
lucky commenter. If you’d like to be
entered in the drawing, just include your email address in your comment.
Don't you love it when characters are strong enough-read well enough developed-to take us over?
Alison, very smart of you to begin immediately. I wrote Victim of Desire a long, long, time ago. It was published over two years ago. Then I, in my infinite wisdom, decided the heroine's sister, Grace, should have her own story. I couldn't remember any of the details! Had to reread sections of my own book! Still working on that one because of course I've been sidetracked by other ideas since then... I loved your first book. I know I'd love this one if I could scrape together some reading time!
Jannine, I didn't start the second one right away on purpose. I simply couldn't help myself. Now that I've been writing longer and have so many more characters in my head, I have to re-read and remind myself of the details just to do promo because by the time the book comes out, I've moved on to several other projects.
Interesting post. I loved Harvest of Dreams and have A Man Like That on my Kindle...waiting...
I'm trying to finish book 3 of a series and must reveal the head of the terrorist group that's been running rampant through the first 2 books. I envy your ability to do so well with sequels. Yay you!!!
Vonnie, I'm so envious of your creativity and productivity. You're a wonder!
Hi Alison - love the post and this is such a beautiful blog spot. Good luck on sales and congratulations on the release.
I already have A MAN LIKE THAT and have enjoyed it very much.
Hi P.L. - Actually, A Man Like That was last year's release. I have a new Love Letters novella coming out in December. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hi Charlene - I'm so glad you've enjoyed A Man Like That!
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