We writers often speak of distractions that keep us from writing. I like to think I can write through most anything. I'm not saying how good my prose is when I'm in the throes of life's complications, but I shoulder on. MOST of the time. These last few weeks, not even yours truly could get a word down on paper.
A game of Jenga on Thanksgiving |
If left alone, regardless of what ails me or is disrupting my mental calm, I write. What I like to call physical distractions are another story. Our RV is only a year old and we've had problems from day one. We're supposed to be at the RV ranch mixing it up with our winter visitor friends, but the RV had some issues and we had to take it to Prescott which is two and a half hours away. It turned into a week of frustration. While in Prescott we stay with Mom, sister, and brother-in-law. They are what I mean by physical distractions. Although my mom is my biggest fan and can't wait until my next book comes out, she doesn't quite get it that it won't happen unless I have time to write. Family...got to love them.
We barely got the RV parked and we were off to our son's home for Thanksgiving. It's a short,
She cooked it all plus pies! |
wonderful holiday and I wouldn't even want to write. We've had a great time, and I'm particularly thankful I have a daughter-in-law who likes to cook because mom-in-law doesn't. She did every little thing for our feast. I was tasked with playing with my granddaughter. Oh what a job. LOL
We'll head back to the RV ranch today, but it will be at least two days before any writing gets done. There's tons to unpack and set up. AND I'll miss all my wonderful distractions called family!
Looking for a good book to read between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Or maybe a Christmas present? Books are the best kind of present. Look here:
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Those are pretty great physical distractions, Brenda, not to mention a fantastic job for Thanksgiving day. :-) My son and his new bride spent the holiday with us. We ate too much and capped off the day with a family "feud" over the Giants/Redskins football game. The holiday went too quickly!
We're at my mom's house for the holiday, and I'm not getting any writing done, either. There's always Monday... Sounds like you had an excellent time, except for the RV issues!
Yes, sometimes distractions are good. Unfortunately for me, I have daily distractions that I allow to hinder my progress, and not all of them are good. LOL, I had to chuckle about your comment regarding your mother. I also have family and friends who want me to finish another book, but they don't seem to realize if they'd leave me alone, I could actually do that! :) Sorry about your RV issues, but it seems everything turned out great. Safe travels!
Glad you had a great day, Leah.
Gotta take the bad with the good, Jannine.
Families are the same everywhere I guess, Alicia.
An RV that doesn’t work right is the pits. We know that from experience. Lucky you with a DIL who loves to cook. I actually have a son-in-law like that. Last year he made our turkey, which worked fabulously well for me. This year was my and my husband’s turn to cook. The good news is everyone survived. For us it was nice to get all my kids, in law kids, and grandkids in one room at one time. Doesn’t happen often enough these days.
Sounds nice for you, Margo. We liked our small celebration this year.
Our son (the chef) cooked the turkey then bemoaned the fact that he thought it was dry. The rest of us didn't. I told him to throw some gravy on it. LOL Daughter and I brought sides. She & I fought over who got to hold the twins--while Son-in-Law hogged one of them and DIL's mother wanted her turn. Older grandkids wanted their turn, too. Fun time.
Love people and food distractions; car/house problems DRIVE me to distraction. You all are so lucky to have family around for the holidays; cherish the moments. Brenda, inheriting a DIL who likes to cook is so neat! We went to a friend's for Turkey...she brined it...even the breast meat was perfect. I only had to bring appetizers! Now, back to writing everyone!
Glad you had a good time, Rolynn!
Ah, sweet, to have babies around. Sounds like a good time.
I've been writing every day, but what I wouldn't give to have the "distraction" of being with my daughter for Thanksgiving. At least she's coming for Christmas!
Brenda, I absolutely hear your pain. I'm in the middle of home-moving at the moment, due to move Dec. 15 or earlier if I can. We just brought a load of stuff out to another house but things are complicated. Haven't put a word on paper for days, and of course keep forgetting to check in here to see what my pals are writing. But I'm glad to know someone else is in a similar stew!.
I'm glad you get to see her at Christmas, Alison. Holidays are the loneliest without our kids.
We are sisters in distractions, Andrea. This is a hectic time of year to be moving. Good luck.
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