It's been one thing after another in the month of August. I'm looking forward to flipping the calendar just in hopes that my string of odd luck changes. Note I don't say "Bad luck." I'm relatively healthy, in a nice home, and have a job I like and a spare job, writing, that I like. All of that makes me lucky. But lately I've had ups-and-downs: we sold our house but the buyer is now griping about 'hidden defects' (don't get me started). We bought a new house and had a few unexpected repairs. A co-worker is ill so I've had to pick up her workload at a very crucial, deadline-stressed moment.
I haven't been able to get much (if any) writing done. I've fallen back on the old "refill the creative well" thought -- maybe time away from my writing will help me come back with a fresh perspective. Part of the problem is that I'm a creature of habit, and all my habits have changed: I no longer go to the office, I telecommute. I'm actually working longer hours (big deadlines, you know), so I don't get "free time" until later at night. And by then, I'm tired and don't want to write.
So I'm looking ahead of September and the change of seasons, change of the calendar. I have set a goal for myself: on the day after Labor Day, I will settle into a new routine of working and writing. By then, we'll be mostly settled in our new house and I should be able to get my head back into fiction. Until then, I'll edit, consider new ideas, and try to stay caught up on blogs.
I feel the same way about writing romance -- in previous books it was easy to integrate the romance into the story. But in my current WIP, there are 2 romances: one in the past (and that really drives the motivation for the hero) and one tentative-almost romance in the present. This book isn't really about the romance. It's about the aftermath of romance, I guess. So it's been tough to write for me. But I'm determined that in September I'll sit down and writ. I know the story -- I just have to get those words on the page!
So just pretend I'm here ... someday, I really will be!
I hope your time away is a relaxing vacation, JL. But with your 'odd luck' it probably isn't ;-) I wish you good luck with your after-labor-day schedule. I'm looking forward to hearing how that works out for you.
Hi LJ,
When you get time to read these, you'll find all my empathy for you. Sometimes life tosses in those rocks to ripple the pond. You never know what will float to the top.
September is just around the corner...that is after the hurricane. Is it coming anywhere near you?
Boy, can I relate to your post. I had a writers conference/retreat this month and my hubby came. Now we're still recuperating and trying to catch up on everything we missed while in North Carolina. Can this weekend REALLY be Labor Day? I'm about 2 weeks behind.
Life has a way of happening. I've learned a long time ago to bend with it all.
Although you're not really here, your sweet spirit is--and we're all grateful for that.
Good luck with your WIP. Some books are harder than others to write. Sometimes you need a break to give you the inspiration and fortitude to finish. Maybe this upheaval in your life will serve a useful purpose!
Hi, JL. I've always felt September was a time for new beginnings and fresh starts - probably that "new school year" thing. I've just never grown out of it. I hope this September will bring a fresh new start for your in your new home.
Thanks for the comments, all -- I'm stealing a few minutes to check in.
Jerri, I'm in Flyover Land (Iowa), so no hurricanes coming my way. Wish we had some of the hurricane rain, though, we're awfully dry!
I think I'm getting caught up at work, so that's a relief. now to get caught up at home -- hopefully in the next week or so.
Until then, I'll just keep looking forward to my new goals
Coming in a bit late I'm afraid. I know exactly where you are coming from. We recently shifted and what an upheaval that is. Hubby is recovering from Double heart by-pass surgery and has just retired. And to top it all off, I have been ill for close on 10 days,borderline pneumonia so the doctor tells me. Hiopefully I can get back into the swing ot things soon as well.
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