Jannine the Author
I write romantic suspense and contemporary romance with a bit of mystery thrown in. I can’t seem to write a story that doesn’t keep the reader guessing… My first novel, Victim of Desire, was published by The Wild Rose Press last spring. My current work in progress is a sequel starring the heroine’s sister, Grace.
I’ll admit it—I have a weakness for those submission calls tossed out by publishers. I can’t seem to resist, even if I’m hip deep in another story. When I saw the call for the Class of ’85 series about a 25 year high school reunion, I was hooked. I wrote Lonely Road to You, but could I stop there? Not a chance. I adored this series and the interaction with the other authors. After All These Years was my second offering, and Maybe This Time was my third. I really have to work on my powers of resistance! LOL
I’d just finished Maybe This Time when the call came for the new Honky Tonk Hearts series. I don’t write about cowboys, or do I? Apparently I do. I told you I’m a sucker for a submission call. Nothing But Trouble was an absolute blast to write. I don’t have a release date yet for this one. It’s currently in the editing stages, but I’ll keep you updated on its progress.
And finally, my first love. Historical romance. I double majored in history and creative writing, so you’d think I’d write historicals. I do—or did. I wrote three of them, long meandering sagas that gathered an impressive pile of rejections. I took a pair of pruning sheers to the final one and hacked away. The final result was a really wonderful story (if I do say so myself) set in rural Colorado in 1880. Bittersweet will be released by the Whiskey Creek Press in February of 2012.
Jannine when she isn’t glued to her computer!
I live in gorgeous Lake Tahoe with my husband, two daughters, and dog, Ginger. When I’m not writing, I’m either hiking (or snowshoeing depending on the season) in the woods around our home with Ginger, chauffeuring my girls from one sporting event to another, trying to catch up on housework, or cooking. I do love to cook, and for those of you interested, I post recipes on my personal blog at http://janninegallant.blogspot.com/. I grew up in a small town, live in the mountains, and love being outdoors. You’ll find a big dose of small town life or outdoor adventure in all my books.
To all you readers out there, what are your favorite settings for a story?
Find buy links and blurbs for all my books on my website at www.janninegallant.com. Thanks for reading!
Jannine Gallant
And finally, my first love. Historical romance. I double majored in history and creative writing, so you’d think I’d write historicals. I do—or did. I wrote three of them, long meandering sagas that gathered an impressive pile of rejections. I took a pair of pruning sheers to the final one and hacked away. The final result was a really wonderful story (if I do say so myself) set in rural Colorado in 1880. Bittersweet will be released by the Whiskey Creek Press in February of 2012.
Jannine when she isn’t glued to her computer!

To all you readers out there, what are your favorite settings for a story?
Find buy links and blurbs for all my books on my website at www.janninegallant.com. Thanks for reading!
Jannine Gallant
Hi Jannine,
Lovely blog. Ooh another history buff. I love writing historicals, but I enjoy the research nearly as much.
You'll have to teach me some of your recipes! Cooking is not my thing, but I love to eat. Does that count? Love the pictures of your dog. I'm a softie with doggies. Love a good mystery/romance. Look forward to your release with Whiskey Creek Press, too.
Hi Jannine,
Nice blog and good to get to know you. I know what you mean about the submission calls. Had one rope me in recently and stalled my current book but had a great time on the call. And I hope a fun book to read. Love the doggie pic.
Totally with you on the submission calls. I didn't think I wrote historicals until I saw a submission call. I refused to write about vampires...but then there was this contest submission call. I think for me a submission call is like a homework assignment and since I am a teacher, I heart homework! Doing it, that is. Correcting it is another story.
Great to meet you!
Jannine, It's great to hear all about you. I love the variety of books you write. Very impressive. And funny that your degree is in history, but you've gone a different direction.
Wow, Jannine - you've an interesting range of books there! Looking forward to reading more from you.
Hi Jannine,
How nice to learn more about you and your books. they sound like fun and I'm looking forward to reading them.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I'm noticing a lot of authors who write across the genres. I think it keeps us from getting stale.
Hi Jannine,
Nice to see a fellow Classof '85 author here! I'm with you on the siren call of submission calls. I've just submitted my third for three separate calls. And I loved every one of them.
Best of luck with your newest ventures.
Hello Jannine,
I'm looking forward to this time of introduction to all the Roses of Prose. I write across sub-genre lines, too, always wondering if I can and issuing myself a personal challenge. Glad to see you're the same way. Lovely post.
I love seaside settings, though I'd definitely settle for your gorgeous Lake Tahoe! Also, I'd like to comment what great titles you have for your Class of 85 books. It must be great to live where there is so much inpsiration setting-wise.
Thanks for a fun blog.
Beautiful site, ladies! Lovely bio, Jannine. It's great seeing into the lives of other authors.
Titles are HARD. Glad you like mine, Lynne. I used lines from my stories for each of them. Tahoe is inspiring in its beauty. Part of Victim of Desire is set near my home.
Thanks for stopping by, ladies!
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