Well…not exactly famous. Not yet,
In my last post, I shared the first
lines from eight of the Christmas short stories in Small Town Christmas Tales, coming later this fall. Today I thought
it would be fun to share the last few lines of the same stories. While the first
lines set the scene and the tone, the last lines provide the emotional
satisfaction for the reader. In the short story format I’ve chosen not to wrap
things up the way I do in a novel, but I like to leave the reader with a sense
of good things to come.
“If Wishes Were Fishes”
“I care about you, too.” He pulled her closer and tipped his head up to
glance at the sprig of mistletoe dangling from the arched opening above their
heads. “The doctor was right; the New Year is a good time to start a new life.”
Then he bent his head and met her lips in a kiss filled with all the promise
and hope the holidays could offer.
“Mistletoe and Misdemeanors”
“I’d thought I would just come home until I got my bearings. I hadn’t
considered staying in Hawthorne Springs for good.”
He tugged on her hands until she stepped closer, and his arms slid
around her. “Maybe I can help you make up your mind.” He glanced above their
heads to a bundle of mistletoe dangling from the light fixture. With a slow,
sexy smile, he lowered his head until their lips met in a kiss filled with
When he drew back, Callie smiled. “I have
to admit the idea is growing on me.”
“Let It Snow”
“Ah, you got the almond,” Gus exclaimed.
At her blank look, Erik gave her a teasing grin. “Tradition says the one
who gets the almond will marry during the coming year.”
His words brought a sudden pang. “That’s unlikely. I’m not even dating
Gus shook a playful finger at her. “You never know. Don’t be so quick to
dismiss tradition.”
Erik popped another spoonful into his mouth then grimaced and slid a
similar nut into his own spoon. He pointed the spoon at Gus. “Tradition says only
one almond.”
Gus laid a finger aside his nose and
winked. “Sometimes tradition needs a little help.”
“The Brightest Jewel”
“You plan to move here,” she said softly.
A slow smile lifted his lips and lit his aquamarine eyes. “I’m looking
forward to it. This town is full of surprises. Hanover House may be a great
business opportunity, but it’s far from the only attraction in Black Bear
Heat rose in her cheeks, but she couldn’t tear her gaze away from the warmth
in his eyes.
Max reached for the cup of cider and lifted it in a toast. “Here’s to a
new year full of possibilities.”
Brianna smiled and closed her hand around his. “I’ll drink to that.”
“Liza’s Secret Santa”
He drew her into a loose embrace. “I’ve kind of had a thing for you
since second grade.”
Her lips curved into a smile. “A thing? What kind of thing?”
“I’m no good with words.”
“You’re doing fine.”
“I’d rather show you.”
“Go ahead,” she murmured.
Then Owen pulled her hard against her chest, and brought his mouth down
on hers in a kiss that released twenty years of pent-up yearning. Liza’s head
spun, and she held on as if her life depended on it. When he finally released
her, she collapsed into him and smiled against his flannel-covered chest.
Sometimes words were overrated.
“No Room at the Inn”
Family, a party, and the opportunity to eat someone else’s cooking. Her
walls began to crumble. He seemed to know just how to hit her soft spots.
“Come on,” he urged, tugging her toward him. “Take a chance.”
Should she? Could she?
She allowed him to pull her closer until only a breath separated them.
She hadn’t had a reason to celebrate the beginning of a new year in ages. Maybe
it was time.
“I think I’d like that,” she murmured.
His arms tightened around her back, and his lips settled on hers in a
kiss filled with the promise of good things to come.
“Second Hand Hearts”
He leaned forward and
placed one hand on hers. “There’s also another big plus.”
The glow surged, and
heat rose in her cheeks. “Yes?”
“You and I will be
able to get to know each other better.”
“Yes.” Her response
came out just above a whisper.
The ring of silver
striking glass interrupted the moment, and Trudy raised her half-empty mimosa.
“I believe this calls for a toast.”
Rachel and Mark
grinned at each other as they lifted their glasses.
Trudy touched her
glass to theirs. “A very Merry Christmas to us all, and here’s to a New Year
filled with hope and possibilities.”
“Hear, hear,” they
“Oh, and by the way, you’re welcome. Both of you.”
“A Hard Luck Christmas”
“We can’t offer all
the benefits of a big city, but you could make a difference here.”
All she’d really
wanted since graduating from college was the chance to make a difference. What
did it matter if she worked in a big city or small, rural community?
His smile returned,
this time with a coaxing twist. “Is there anything I can say to sweeten the
“Well. . .I would
need someone to show me around and help me find a place to live.”
“I’m your man. My
family’s been ranching here for four generations. Nobody knows Hard Luck better
than I do.” He held out his hand. “So, do we have a deal?”
She slid her hand
into his. “I think we do.”
Instead of releasing
her hand, he caressed it lightly with one rough thumb. “You won’t be sorry.”
“You know, I don’t think I will.”

You have a definite, sweet style to your endings, Alison. Well done! This is my favorite closing line: Sometimes words were overrated.
Thanks fora little summer 'ho ,ho, ho.' Nothing better than Christmas happy endings.
Thanks, Jannine. When I re-read them, that was my favorite line, too.
It's not Christmas in July, Rolynn, but it's close!
My favorite is "Sometimes words were overrated" too!
Actions speak louder, Leah. Or, as Jannine is always telling me, "show, don't tell". LOL
I love the cover too. It's rather nostalgic. And the last lines make you wish you'd read what came before.
Thank you, Vonnie. You couldn't have paid me a nicer compliment.
Loved the endings. These sounds like really great stories. Can't wait to read them.
How fun! I wouldn't have thought of sharing last lines. They all end so sweetly. :)
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