I didn't realize how much that affected me. I was sort of mired in indecision, waiting for the lawsuit to be resolved. Now that it is, I can actually look forward!
Part of looking forward is looking back, and to that end, I am on a Clean and Pitch kick. I'm going through Stuff -- you know what I mean, all those things that we move because we're not sure what to do with, all those CDs, and forgotten manuscripts, and papers, and ... stuff. I'm making a clean sweep and finally tossing it.

This feels like more than Spring Cleaning to me. It feels like a Spring Start of something new. I'm not sure if it really will be that, but it's a great feeling nonetheless. Out with the old and in with ...
(30 books and counting .... whee!)
Congrats on the clean sweep. I should do that. Probably won't, but I should!
We've been cleaning out closets here. How in God's name did I buy all those clothes? WHY did I buy all those clothes? And shoes--gasp!--but shoes are imperative to one's well-being. Right?
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