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Laura Breck |
fast enough for everyone, though! A note went out on our neighborhood Facebook
group: “Should we postpone the Easter Egg Hunt, since the park will still be snowed
under?” This came from a family whose children are grown and gone.
not!” came a plethora of replies. “We’ll dress our kids in snowpants and boots
and have them trudge through the snow to find the eggs,” one father vowed. “They
can bring their sleds and slide down the hills, too,” another parent suggested.
Our official
Easter Egg Stuffer, a wonderful mother of a teenager, who has, since her child was a toddler, tucked candy and coins into
nearly a thousand plastic eggs every year, replied, “Don’t you dare cancel it!”
She added a smiley face after the comment, but I imagined her knee-deep in pastel-colored
plastic eggs and speckled malted milk balls as she wrote it.
are made of hardy stock, and there are not many occurrences that can grind our
traditions to a halt. We’ve carried on with our Easter Egg Hunt in snowstorms
and torrential downpours. Our Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest has seen
near-tornado conditions as well as early snowstorms. Our August neighborhood picnic
has withstood 100+ degree temperatures with 94% humidity as well as (no, not
snowstorms, but you thought I was going to say it, didn’t you!) unseasonable Alberta
Clippers bringing forty-degree temps.
last weekend’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade was a cold one with thirty-degree
temperatures, and all anyone could talk about was last year’s record high of
over eighty. (Weather is a favorite topic of conversation here in the land of
10,000 frozen lakes.)
Back to
my patio view. The sun is shining brightly on the pure white snow, but I
know it’s a deceptive sight. The temperature out there is five degrees right
now, and we have a wind chill. My Welcome Spring activity today will not be a
jog along the Mississippi river as I’d hoped, but will consist of a half-hour
on the elliptical in the spare room, watching TV. Soon, the sun will prevail and
Minnesotans will be able to come out of hibernation. But…not today.
are your plans for this first day of spring?
Have a wonderful
Laura~Smart Women ~Sexy Men ~Seductive Romance
~Dancing in a Hurricane is available in digital formats at Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble and in paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Createspace
~Love in the Land of Lakes is available in digital format at Smashwords, All Romance Ebooks, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon, and in paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Createspace
We're in Michigan. Our first day of spring is snow covered too. Along with the ice and the wind and the cold. (Sigh)
I'm so glad we're in Florida for the bad weather. I don't enjoy snow like I did when I built snowmen or forts with the kids.
We got rain our first day of spring. Rain, really! I'm in Tahoe. It isn't supposed to rain in March. The ski season isn't over yet. It promises to be an odd spring.
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