But I think another reason I'm feeling on edge is that fact that I haven't written anything new--except for blog posts--in months. My latest release, The Treasure of Como Bluff, came out in December, and I poured all my writing energy into an extensive blog tour to introduce it to readers. Around the same time, my father's health took a serious turn for the worse. We were told his condition was terminal and that he could go at any time. Due to his strong constitution and even stronger will, it took thirteen weeks for Parkinson's Disease to win the final battle. During that time, romance fiction was the last thing on my mind. Also, in the past three months, I have made five trips out of town, and travel is always disruptive.
I wish I were one of those writers who can write no matter what, no matter where--but I'm not. I shake my head in wonder when a successful author advises tucking your writing into every fifteen minute opening in your schedule. If I only had fifteen minutes, I wouldn't be able to do more than stare at my blank screen, fingers frozen. I need to know I have a decent amount of uninterrupted time before the creative juices can begin to flow.
And it's not that I don't have projects clamoring for my attention. I have a humorous contemporary bodyguard book completed and awaiting a final edit before it becomes my springboard into the wacky world of self-publishing. I've been holding off because I'm really excited about the whole venture and want to give it my best effort. That simply hasn't been possible lately. I also want to expand the short story I wrote for the Roses of Prose holiday anthology in 2012 into a novella (maybe even a full-length novel) in time for next Christmas.
I know my life isn't going to become simpler any time soon, but sometime in April...I swear...I'm going to start writing again. I can't wait!
Sending positive thoughts your way that you'll soon be writing again! It's unnerving and unsettling when real life intrudes, and we lose our writing outlet. I know every one of us feels your pain!
Congrats on your move! We moved after 18 years in one place - it's not easy!
I get the thing on writing. Like you, I need to know I've got time. I can't spit out words that easy. What's worse, is once I start I don't want to stop, so I don't like to sit down knowing I'll just have to get up again.
Good Luck with the writing! I plan to start new in April too - I joined a boot camp to get my butt in gear. lol!
We all do feel your pain, Alison. Just remember, nothing, including the current upheaval in your life, lasts forever. You'll be re-settled and writing again in no time.
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