I've always had a problem with self-esteem. Sure, I knew I could raise some pretty terrific kids or cook a gourmet meal or ace a test in college, but I didn't think I could ever attain my deepest desire--to become a published author. Enter cheerleaders. Well, one especially. My Calvin--tall, slender, gray kinky hair, a quick smile and a belief I could do anything. Finding love at anytime in one's life is wonderful, but to find it after living alone for twelve years and nearing the end of what society deems "middle age" is an exceptional feat. I am a blessed woman.

It was Calvin who insisted I stop dreaming about becoming a writer "one day" and start tapping those computer keys "now." But the house, I lamented. I have housework to do. He accused me of making excuses. After more than forty years of making them, I suppose I'd become an expert at rationalizing why I couldn't write. Calvin was having none of it. This man with a Masters in American Literature took over the dishwasher, the vacuum and the toilet bowl brush. He now holds a graduate degree in Household Husbandry with a minor in Cheerleading.

Every afternoon, he makes me a cuppachino, frothing the milk stiff just the way I like it and carefully carries it to me, his tongue tucked between his teeth so he won't spill a drop on his clean floors. And, in return, I give each of my fictional heroes one of the many endearing qualities of my real-life hero. In my heart this bit of Cavin is what helps make them all strong and lovable.

So when the call came that THOSE VIOLET EYES finaled in the National Achievement of Romance Fiction Award, guess who leaped with joy? My knobby-kneed cheerleader. Every time he looked at me the rest of the evening, he grinned and said, "No longer will you say you're not good enough. Never again."
Who is your cheerleader? Who along your rough and pitted road to publication cheered you on? Who told you you can do this. Who helped you believe that through the madness of life--and there is SO much madness hurled at us--that you can achieve your goals? Who makes you feel you're a better person? This, my ladies, is love...sisterly love, parental love, friendship love and romantic love. What a precious gift.
* ~~ * ~~ * ~~ *
Oh, Vonnie, precious gift indeed! So glad we had a chance to meet you and Calvin in NC. (Heavy sigh!) What a hero!
What a lovely man! Can his DNA be used to help the less perfect?
Good for Calvin! I think everyone in my family now believes I can write. They were skeptical at first (except for my mom - mom's have to believe in you LOL) but after reading my books, the consensus was, "Hey, you're actually really good!) But I don't think anyone believes I'm ever going to make any money at it (so I should just get a real job and...) I guess I'll have to prove them wrong! You are indeed a lucky woman, Vonnie.
We were thrilled to meet you, too, Margo. It was a fun writers retreat. My first chance at meeting some of the writers at TWRP and the staff. We had a grand time.
Barbara, if only it could. There would be an upsurge of feminine happiness. He's not perfect, you understand, but he's perfect for me.
Indeed you will prove them all wrong, Jannine. You're a talented and engaging writer and I can NOT wait to read about the man who uses duct tape to fasten a diaper. Why can't I think of stuff like that??? Woot!
Oh, Vonnie. What a brilliant post. You're a lucky, lucky gal. My husband, God love the man, is a thinker. He doesn't read, let alone write. He's super supportive, and he's taken over household chores like laundry without complaint. But writing he flat out doesn't understand. He's so intellectual, I'm not sure he knows how. lol My cheerleader right now is a critique partner I've had for a few years now. She's always there with a kind word, to insist I don't suck as much as i think I do and I love her for it.
I'm with Barbara...I think Calvin needs to pass on some of his mojo. Or at the very least, teach classes. lol So glad you've got him, Vonnie! You deserve a cheerleader!
Thanks, Joanne. We are one of those success stories from match dot com. Two broken and jagged souls who found each other and formed a whole.
As you may remember, when we grew up no one had ever heard of dyslexia. It was just assumed that I was 'not bright'. To top that of, I had the horrible label of 'day-dreamer'. I can't remember a day I didn't hear the phrase, "What is wrong with you." After two disastrous marriages, I entered a marriage of convenience to a person I didn't know. He became my best friend and the love of my life. He gave me courage and self confidence. He also does a lot of pre-editing.
How wonderful for you, Sandra, to find that special love. How sad for you that society was so ill informed when you were growing up. There was nothing wrong with you. Nothing. Just a challenge that needed faced and worked around.
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