Glacier National Park |
The only way to accomplish anything is to set a goal. Authors know about goals. We set them constantly to reach the final goal of a finished manuscript.
What must you do?
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Shanondoah Valley |
Set a finish date and figure out how many pages must be written daily to reach that number by that date.
This is my big failing. I don’t have a finish date so I fiddle around, do research, read a book, whatever.
Gettysburg |
I need to be tough with myself.
I need to make myself work.
With this decision in mind, I made an editor appointment at National. I need to have a finished manuscript to pitch. Well, I do have one, but I’m not happy with it.
Niagra Falls |
I want to have another done and it is in the pipe. I’m typing daily, planning to have two manuscripts ready as well as the ones I have in partials.
The importance of goal setting crossed my mind because I did accomplish a ‘bucket list’ goal.
Redwoods |
My husband and I have visited all 50 states. Yes, 50. It took us over twenty years, but we are excited and pleased.
Now on to the next one. I think visiting all the National Parks is next. Only 160+.
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Great post...goal setting is an excellent idea! We just had a speaker at our OKRWA meeting who is a creativity coach, and she was WONDERFUL. She was inspiring and had some excellent tips. Many of them, we know, but just need to be reminded. Maybe have an 'accountability' check in for your page goal. She talked about having someone you had to report to with a certain word count (or page count) either daily or weekly. It can help to keep you on track. Lucky you visiting all the states. How wonderful! Good luck!
Wonderful advice, Barbara. I should read this daily. :-) Thanks for sharing all your gorgeous photos!
I agree. Having a mentor helps.
You'll love the National Park tour...we visited a portion of the parks last year. Favorites in your states visits? Seems to me you've done a good job on accomplishing goals...mush on!
The photos are happy reminders of what a wonderful country this is.
Hi Rolynn,
I need to count how many we've done already. I loved Acadia, in Maine, but there are so many. Bryce Canyon was a favorite.
Great post Barb, and when you're headed to the NY NPs let me know! Or if you hit Teton/Yellowstone when I'm there....
I've visited a lot of states, but most were drive-throughs on road trips across the country. I'd love to add to my National Park list. Great photos and good advice on goal setting. I have a weekly (rather than a daily) count I try to hit.
My grandson and some of his wrestling squad camped out and hiked Acadia National Park after finals at MIT. Ryan can't stop talking about how beautiful it was and how he wished he could have taken his 6 foot telescope to look closer at the stars and planets while there. Loved your pics. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful pictures. Love that you've been to all 50 states. That's one of my goals, but I still have a few to go. I'll be at National too! Cheering you on with you pitch appointment!
Great pics and good luck with those goals.
Thanks, Andrea. I'll keep you kind offer in mind.
Hi Jannine,
We all have different methods. The important part is to reach the goal..
Hi Vonnie,
It is beautiful. I'd love to visit it again.
Hi Margo,
No appointment any more. The editor isn't coming and there isn't anyone else open. I plan to visit the desk and check for cancellations. Another goal.
Thanks Brenda. I'm trying.
Good luck, Barb, with getting an editor appointment. Good idea to hang out at the appointment desk in case of a cancellation or no-show. Goal setting is great, just not always reachable. Life happens. Congrats on visiting all 50 states. I've visited quite a few, but nowhere near all. Same with National Parks. Still have some I'd like to visit. With your goal setting, I'll bet you visit them all.
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