Years ago when I worked in my local bookshop, I had to work
the New Year’s Day shift. I was re-shelving misplaced titles in the children’s
section when I saw a fellow employee wearing day clothes instead of work
attire, surrounded by her young children. I greeted her and noted “Of all
the places you come on your day off, you bring your kids to work?” She told me
something I’ve never quite forgotten. She told me about her New Year’s Day
superstition – that every year on New Year’s if you did the things you loved
most, you would do them for the rest of the year. Instead of working through
New Year’s, she took the day off to spend more time with her children. She
brought them to her place of work because reading is something she wanted them
to do every day.
I thought this theory was sound. Even if you don’t believe in
superstition, doing what you want to do for the rest of the year on New Year’s
Day can be healthy and habit-forming. It sets the tone for the next day, the
next week, the next month, potentially the whole year. This New Year’s, I
finally decided to put this practice to the test by doing everything I loved
doing and wanted to continue doing in 2016.
It seems simple, but these days sleep is a foreign concept here
at mi casa. While 3-year-old Young Skywalker has mostly settled back into an
appropriate sleep schedule for someone his age, he’s still occasionally wakened
by night terrors. Or his baby sister’s two o’clock holler makes him fidget
himself awake, throwing him and the rest of us off the sleep grid. Our eight-month-old
Baby Ewok recently went through a growth spurt which meant fussy days and
restless nights. I write between the hours of eight p.m. and two a.m.
with a seven o’clock alarm clock in the form of early-rising Young Skywalker. This makes for some bleary-eyed mornings and heavily caffeinated afternoons. The hub
being off work for the bulk of the holidays helped tremendously. He rose early
with Young Skywalker while me and Baby Ewok tried to sleep in. On New Year’s
Day, however, me and the boy slept in until ten in the morning. This never
happens. Not only did I wake up feeling completely rested, even rejuvenated (a
rare thing), he was able to stay awake all day without a nap, leading to more
“Be present. Be here now.” These words are vital nowadays.
Case in point: at the New Year’s Eve party we attended, I saw two teenage girls sit
in the same chairs at the kitchen table from seven to twelve. They hardly spoke
to one another though they sat hip-to-hip. They didn’t associate with anyone
else. Their smartphones were in hand the entire time and their eyes
were glued to the screen, their thumbs tapping and swiping almost in unison.
Another example comes from our first 2016 family trip to the park. The weather
was in the forties so there weren’t too many parents or children on the
playground. There’s always that one mom or dad sitting on the bench while their
children play, completely removed from the youngsters’ actions or anything else
on the playground, for that matter, because he or she is completely engrossed
in their tablet or cell phone. As a hands-on parent, this is so terribly
frustrating to witness. I’ll admit that even as a hands-on parent, it is easy
to get caught up in the rush of technology, the necessity of it. I don’t go
anywhere without my smartphone. My work revolves around my computer and often
my tablet which I use to communicate with my agent, my editor, my readers via
Twitter, Facebook, and email. So one of my chief goals for New Year’s Day was
to Be Present. Be Here Now in the moment with my children. And it was as
simple as getting down to their level, copping a squat on the floor or in their
playroom and engaging in whatever captured their interest. My son ended the day
surrounded by both me and the hub, playing Construction Site with MegaBloks.
This was after a long day of catch, keep-away, coloring, and other indoor activities
(solely because it was too cold and wet to play outside). When the hub asked
him if he was ready for bed, he did something he never does. He grabbed his
Mickey Mouse and a bedtime read, took the hub’s hand and led him to bed. Parenting
isn’t easy. Rarely do you squeak through a twenty-four hour period without the
typical fuss, whine, tantrum, even throwing and/or yelling. It’s difficult to know for
certain whether you’re doing it right, particularly with your firstborn. When
the hub returned from putting Young Skywalker to bed, we both sat on the couch
and glowed a bit because it was one of those rare nights we felt, as
parents, we couldn’t have done better.

This was more to do with the kiddies than us adults since the
hub and I spent much of the day unplugged from our routine devices. Through
bathtime sing-song, Young Skywalker began to croon his “ABC’s,” something new
and exciting as he’s only just recently begun to memorize familiar tunes and
mimic them. He began including the number four in counting again after several
months of “One, two, three, five, six, nine.” He even did something so grown-up, I woke up the following day convinced I’d dreamt it. He used an
adult potty for the first time. It’s been a struggle to get our tough guy
potty-trained, mostly because communication was difficult for him until Baby
Ewok’s birth. Not only did he potty and flush, he acted
very grown-up about it indeed, as if it were an everyday occurrence. Not that he refused the Skittles we offered him afterward....
Ever since that delayed resolution from 2012, cooking has
become something that I look forward to. Nothing pleases me more than feeding
the mouths of my family, immediate and extended. Going back to the superstition
part of New Year’s Day, I think it’s good luck to eat from your home pantry on
the first day of the year. After sleeping in, I cooked a full brunch with
bacon, eggs, and toast. Later that night, I browned and seasoned meat for our favorite
bi-weekly meal tradition: Taco Night! The hub made his yum-yum hummus. Simple meals,
full happy tummies. I recently came across this quote. It resonates:
Centuries of secularism have failed to transform eating into something utilitarian. Food, the act of eating, is still treated with reverence. A meal is still a rite - the last natural sacrament of family and friendship, of life that is more than 'eating' or 'drinking.' To eat is something more than to maintain bodily functions."
- from "For the Life of the World" by Alexander Schmemann
Young Skywalker’s favorite book is a tattered old version of I Spy I received as a gift from my fourth
grade teacher twenty-er-some-odd
years ago. I love it because it’s not something he prefers to flip through
himself. He brings it to the hub or me, pointing out objects, searching for
others, counting like items, and tracing shapes. Another reason I like it is
because he enjoys it so much when he’s done spying, he turns to other books
looking for the same wonder and excitement I
Spy gives him. Baby Ewok mostly likes turning board books pages, but she’s
growing attached to a recent library addition, Touch & Feel Farm, a sensory play book that uses different textures
to show how farm animals feel to the touch. Fluffy chicks, furry doggies, wooly
sheep, even bristly piglets. With a new set of deadlines approaching coupled
with the demands of the holiday season, it’s been especially hard to find time
for my own TBR pile. The hub sneaked around online for Christmas and bought me
a hard-to-find title I’ve been rattling on about wanting on my shelf forever.
When the kiddies hunkered down to sleep, I stayed up with a mug of hot tea and
a blanket and read to my heart's content!
I broke the no-working rule on New Year's. Writing isn't just my occupation, though. It's something that I love. (And did I mention those deadlines??) However, instead of turning on my computer and burning through the midnight oil, I turned to the oldest, most comforting writing form - pen and paper. I wrote notes on an old passion project, the book of my heart as I finished off my tea.
There’s no better time than New Year’s to appreciate those around
you. I had lovely conversations with both my mother and my father. The hub and
I spent the entire day inside with the kiddies. The quality family time was wonderful, but we saved our cuddles
until after both kiddies went down for the night. We watched a new movie, very
rare for us indeed, and we talked. Really talked. It’s easy to get swept away
in the busyness of everyday life. It’s our goal every day to take at least ten
minutes to reconnect, to hold each other, to converse while making eye contact.
It may sound simple again, but we’re convinced if more
people did this with their partners, their parents, their friends, their
children, they could solve problems more easily. The world might even
be a better place for it. As he began to nod off after a while and I started to
reach for my book, it hit me. I gasped in horror. He jerked awake. “What?
What? What?” he asked. “Oh no!” I cried. “I FORGOT TO MAKE BLACK-EYED PEAS!”
Those Trusty Black-Eyed
We have a tradition here in the south. In my family, it goes back
further than I can remember, before I was born. Eating black-eyed peas on New
Year’s Day is a requirement. It’s good luck. Why black-eyed peas are lucky, I
have no idea. In recent years, I’ve forgotten to buy black-eyed peas and the
year’s gone by just fine without them. I do know that for most of my life, I
ate them once a year, January 1st. If I turned my nose up at them as a willful
child, I was forced to eat them anyway, even if it was just one bite. This year
while shopping for Christmas meal staples, I passed by the legumes. The black-eyed
peas sat on a shelf at eye level. They stared at me. I stared back. “What the
hey?” I said, tossing them into my shopping cart. On New Year’s Eve, I spotted
the bag in our pantry and instructed the hub, “DO NOT let me forget to cook
those tomorrow.” We made a plan to do them with tacos. We then quickly forgot
this plan on New Year’s Day until ten p.m. The hub went into the kitchen to
boil some water. “How long could it take?” he asked. “We’ll eat a bite before
bed and the rest tomorrow.” He grabbed the peas from the pantry. His face
settled into a frown. “Babe. You bought hard peas.” My experience with peas is
limited. If they aren’t canned or frozen, I don’t know what to do with them. So
my response was, “Yeah, so?” He groaned. “These are
going to take hours.” He read the packaging and laughed. He laughed loud and
sour. “These are going to take FOUR HOURS.” “What!?!” I snatched the peas from
his hand and read for myself. After consulting with my mother the next day, I
learned belatedly that the best way to cook black-eyed peas is
overnight in a crockpot. “Oh, no,” I said again, head in my hands. We clearly
weren’t having black-eyed peas on New Year’s—again. I should note that the hub
think superstitions in general are ridiculous. He was raised in Alabama just like
me, but he doesn’t believe in voodoo, juju, wawa, or anything outside reason.
He believes in ghosts. He might even believe in aliens. He likes reading
conspiracy theories. But other than that he’s a trusty cynic fixed in his ways
who’s slowly learned to live with my more open-minded approach to all things
luck and superstition. He saw how disappointed I was about this culinary
misfortune. He tore the corner off the bag of hard peas and shook out a small
handful. He handed me half and stuffed the rest in his mouth. It was like
chewing rocks but still. We ate our black-eyed peas. Or, as the hub so
eloquently put it, “If the year sucks, it’s not our fault. We’ve got luck now,
right?” “Mm hm,” I agreed, still chewing. “And no teeth.” He smiled, close-mouthed, and said, “Happy
New Year.”
It’s your
turn, Rose readers! What’s your favorite New Year tradition? Here’s hoping 2016
brings you much joy and many blessings!
Do what you love doing...such a great 'superstition'. I think I'll try it this year. Thanks for the advice, Amber. Happy New Year to you and your family!
I don't do resolutions either. I used to make them and not once did I ever succeed. So why set myself up for failure. I just enjoy life and my time with Calvin. I grew up near Amish country in Pennsylvania. So our New Years Day meal was always pork roast and sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. Oh, and pies...lots of pies.
Great post, Amber. I always heard whatever you are doing at midnight is an indication of the year ahead. Since I'm asleep, not sure what that means. With a 2 year old grandchild, loved the tidbits about your wee ones.
What a great New Year's Day you had, Amber! I wrote and cooked and spent time with my family--although with older teens, it isn't the hands on time you had! Basically, I did what I do most every day (except go to work). It works for me!
Wonderful post! The only traditions we observe is champagne at midnight and the Rose Parade the next morning.
Amber, on a 'active' scale that goes to 10, you have a 20 compared to my 5. And you still had time to write about it...even better, you planned New Year's Day. I am so impressed! I am definitely not the superstitious type, so I didn't even know about New Year's Day as a trending concept. I'm a do-it-every-day kind of woman...I write, read, exercise (golf twice a week), go to Starbucks, run an errand, do something nice for the house, plan a nice meal....On New Year's day, I did all those things and also had six people over for clam chowder. Every New Year's day, having friends over is a good thing...feels just right!
Happy New Year to you, Margo!
Vonnie, I've come to see New Years resolutions as a way of simply setting myself up for failure. It's the opposite of constructive. The meal sounds fantastic! I love pies!
Brenda, at midnight on New Years neither of my children were asleep and I was pulling my hair out as a result. That doesn't bode well for me at all, lol
Jannine, there's nothing wrong with doing the things you normally do at all. Minus outside time, we did the same and that was due to the weather.
Ilona, I'm nursing my eight-month-old still so I didn't get to enjoy a full glass if champagne as I normally do. But I did kiss the hub at midnight, which made up for it in all its sparkly goodness!
Rolynn, I think I read somewhere that having company on New Years is very good luck indeed. I also read that leaving the front and back door open at midnight lets good spirits in and bad spirits out, lol
For 15 years, Hubs & I got together with long-time friends on New Year's Eve. We take turns being host. Dinner, visit, play cards/dominoes, visit more, welcome in the new year, sleep over, breakfast, visit some more. This is the first time we'll celebrate the New Year in Feb. since we're visiting our son & his family in AZ. As far as resolutions, I list what needs to be done and what I want to accomplish. Don't always get everything done but at least it's an attempt. Best wishes for a great new year.
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