I'm on a clean-out phase, and I'm pitching things right and left. I've learned through past experience that you need the right frame of mind to do this. There's no use trying to right-size unless you're willing to let go of Stuff.

Now I'm working on a large series and I have multiple drafts of these books. Now I've decided on the Final Draft and how I want the series to play out. So I went back to look through those multiple drafts.
I enjoyed a lot of the scenes and the dialog. Some of it will fit into what my plans are for the Final Draft, but some ... not so much. It's so hard to pitch it out, but I'm going to need to do so. I may excerpt a few of them here and there, or rework them but I won't keep much.
I've shuffled those old drafts into a folder and I can't quite press the Delete key. I think I'll let them sit there, out of sight and mind, until the next time I get in the mood to pitch. Maybe then I'll hit delete.
Or maybe not ...
Maybe some of those scenes or characters you trimmed will fit in another book one day. Good for you with the downsizing. We have a lot of crap that could be thrown out, but it takes so much effort!
In the old days I used to save parts of novels I put aside. I've never gone back to them, not once. Yet they don't take much space in our files, so who cares, right? My sense is you are more organized and analytical that I am, however, so if you have a niggling sense you better keep something, keep it! Good luck with the three R'S!
It is hard to cut those scenes and sections, but it's the mark of a good writer to be able to do so. Yes, it's possible you'll use them again, and possible you won't, but keeping them in a folder is a little less painful than completely deleting them. :)
It's always hard to kill off your children. I hate doing it. I have a "scenes removed" file. Sometimes I adapt them for other stories. Sometimes I forget about them. Sometimes I can't recall where they came from unless I recognize a name. It's a dilemma. You're right. You have to be in the right frame of mind.
You're my newest hero, JL. It's true, you do have to be in the right frame of mind or don't bother. It seems it's always harder to remove than add. Especially in our writing. Everyone's correct, don't hit that delete button just yet. You never know when something new will click with something old.
I try to put things in perspective when I have to trash huge chunks of a story. I tell myself, "They're just WORDS. It's not like you can't find more words!" Still, it's so hard! Good for you.
Cutting words/scenes/characters is very difficult. We worked so hard on them, only to leave them "on the cutting room floor." I always save them in another file, thinking that I may use them "someday." LOL Rarely do I. Good luck on your editing.
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