She was the most beautiful lady ever to sail the ocean. She had class from the top of her four stacks, down to her engine rooms. She was strong. Absolutely immune to disaster. She couldn't be harmed. She couldn't be damaged. She was advertised: "God himself can not sink this ship!" Yet on the night of April 15, 1912, the great lady was mortally stuck but an ice burg, and her beauty slipped into the black depths in less than two hours, taking hundreds of lives with her.
Just because I'm writing about her, I will not be able to go to sleep tonight with much ease. You see, when I was a teen, I was obsessed by the R.M.S. Titanic. I watched A Night to Remember with Barbara Stanwick and a very young Robert Wagner. I've read everything there is to read about her. I ordered the Ship Builders magazine from 1911 through my library to read how the engines were built and dragged through the street by horses to the ship yard where she was being assembled. I knew how many were on board. I knew how many lost their lives. I knew what happened that night as it was remembered by the survivors.

Centerfold from "The Loss of the SS Titanic by Lawrence Beesley |
I never saw the DeCaprio film and never will. I understand the movie industry did a fantastic job of the movie but I can not face seeing it. I saw a commercial when it first came out and had to sleep with my lights on for three nights. Sometimes, it is a curse to have such a vivid imagination.
"Her Perfect Man", an historical romance, is set in Southhampton, England. It begins in 1907 and ends, well, I think you can figure that one out. I'll leave you with an excerpt from the book. I'll be watching comedies all night until I fall asleep, until the Lady decides to return to the corner of my mind where I keep the things that scare me the most. Enjoy!
Something made Anna stop. Her hand closed tightly on a
gown. It was dark blue satin, shiny and cool with a sheer veiling of silvery
blue lace. It was heavy in her hands. She could not turn away as the color drew
her in. She shivered with a sudden cold, and clutched the material.
A biting wind slapped her face, as if she moved forward
at great speed through frozen air.
The gown came loose.
A cold, wet fog surrounded her. The floor tilted at an
alarming angle. Anna slid downward with nothing to hold on to.
As she melted into the surrounding darkness, an icy
cold washed over her face. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't hear what was
happening around her.
Where had Mrs. Trent gone? Anna tried to call out but
could not. Chase? Where was he?
Fear gripped Anna as she tried to free herself from the
waves that clung to her face, cold and frighteningly alive. Suddenly the scream
of a foghorn sounded.
Bright lights popped overhead. The sound of twisting
metal creaked, tearing, as if in the distance. Voices cried out. Hundreds of
voices. Silence.
As quickly as it came, it was gone. Mrs. Trent and Mrs.
Marlow looked down at Anna.
"What on earth are you doing down there, Anna?"
She could hear the embarrassment in Mrs. Trent’s voice. "Are you all
right, dear?" Mrs. Trent lifted the gown from her, and straightened the
material as Anna struggled to her feet.
"I don't know what happened." She didn’t
understand what she'd experienced but felt she should apologize. "I felt
very cold, like fog on my face. It was very—strange." She tried to explain
as she kept an eye on the gown Mrs. Trent handed to Mrs. Marlow.
Mrs. Trent smiled at the shop owner. "You probably
see nervous brides every day, don't you, Mrs. Marlow?"
"Of course, of course," Mrs. Marlow agreed as
she handed the gown to her assistant. "There is no more important day in a
young lady's life than her wedding day. It is difficult to make everything come
together perfectly and," she placed a reassuring arm around Anna, and led
her to the bridal area, "it is your day, isn't it? You want to have
everything exactly as you have always dreamed it would be, yes?"
"Uh—yes, ma'am." As if
anything would be what she wanted it to be.
Interesting excerpt. Adding this to my to be read pile.
Maybe your fear comes from being a reincarnated spirit from one of the victims on the Titanic.
What a cool, old book. I can see why you want to keep it pristine. Yep, the movie can be very disturbing if you let it get to you. Nice excerpt!
Barbara - I used to think that until I found that the Bible says "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" so I don't think so. I just have a vivid imagination that aids me well with my writing. Thank you for adding my book to your list. I hope you enjoy it.
Jannine - The book is one of my prized possessions, not only because of the content, but because my sister bought it for me. The information in it is no longer accurate, since they found the Lady broke in two, but it was what Mr. Beeseley saw from his vantage point in the lifeboat.
Thank you, Ladies, for your comments.
Jena, Late arriving here. Excellent excerpt. On my TBR pile too. Cherish the eye witness account you have.
Jena, Late arriving here. Excellent excerpt. On my TBR pile too. Cherish the eye witness account you have.
Margo - I cherish it for many reasons. Thank you for your interest in Her Perfect Man. I hope you enjoy it.
Oh fascinating! It is so cool that you have that book. What a treasure. Now I'll have to read Her Perfect Man. I love that the 'you know what' is incorporated. Titanic is an awesome're missing out! :-)
Great premise, Jena!
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