Celebrate! by Alison Henderson
Today is not a day to talk about writing. Today is a day to celebrate. No matter where you are or what your beliefs may be, I invite you to find something to celebrate today. Celebrate rebirth. Celebrate tradition. Celebrate the joys of spring after a long, hard winter. Rain is in the forecast tonight for my little corner of California, and that alone is cause for celebration.
To help put you in the right mood, I went outside yesterday to take some pictures in my garden.

We all have worries and fears. Today, try to set yours aside and celebrate. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. If you have concerns about your family, celebrate your love for them. If work or economic pressures sap your happiness, celebrate what you have. Health issues? Celebrate life. Causes for celebration abound, if we just look hard enough. Here's to hoping you find yours.
Beautiful, message, Alison! Thank you.
Gorgeous pictures, Alison. We're getting snow today--finally--after a winter that never happened. Reason to celebrate for sure! Happy Easter!
Thanks, ladies. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to Alison, the spreader of beauty and light!
And to you, Claire!
Alison. Such a beautiful message to go with such beautiful flowers and such. Thanks for sharing. Belated Happy Easter!
Beautiful, Alison!
Flowers are good for the soul! Thanks for posting.
I'm just coming out of a post deadline coma. I had a book to turn in on Saturday and I wrote from 6am until 11pm. Like a terrible writer, I sent it in without editing or critiquing the last six chapters. There was no time. I rewrite and rewrite each chapter before I can move on, so it won't be too, too awful. I hope. I celebrated by sleeping most of the day yesterday. Today is an afternoon matinee. Tomorrow is the release of book two of the series with a day-long facebook party. Then I'll begin a book that must be finished in 6 weeks. Your post was awesome. I am celebrate each small accomplishment...usually with a nap.
Great message, Alison. Love your pictures. Hope CA gets LOTS of rain.
Thanks so much, Margo, Liz, Susan and Diane!
Vonnie, I'm in complete awe of your ability to sustain your creativity and enthusiasm for writing with such a schedule! And now a whole book in 6 weeks? Eek!! How do you do it? I hope you've got a vacation planned when you finish that book.
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