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the last few years, I’ve approached Christmastime with a bit of bah humbug.
This year, however, things have changed. Suddenly, I love the holidays. The
stress of December has finally taken a backseat to the joy of the season, and
it has everything to do with an early Christmas present for the hub and me!
I get into that, I have to rewind four years. The hub and I were in our early
twenties and fresh off the honeymoon phase of our marriage. We had started
thinking seriously about the future and family, especially when we moved into
our first house in 2008 and the smaller of the two spare bedrooms started looking more and more like a possible nursery. Thoughts of having children were accelerated by the
baby boom happening in his family. My husband has three brothers, two sisters,
one step-brother, and two stepsisters. Out of all of them, all but three have
married and started their own families. He has approximately twelve nieces and
nephews, and many of them were born just before, during, or after this period.
There were babies everywhere. Any doubts I might have had about being ready to
have kids vanished whenever I saw the hub with his nieces and nephews,
particularly the young ones. If ever a man were meant to be a father, it’s him.
you’re a young girl, it’s easy to catalogue this part of your life. In my mind,
everything would happen like dominoes. Finish school. Find the right guy. Get
married. Have babies. I finished school, I found my guy, and married earlier
than most. Never did I imagine that I would have trouble getting
pregnant. Unfortunately, this was the case. The first six months, it’s easy to
blame outside factors like stress and timing. A year goes by and you begin to
wonder what’s wrong. After four years…well, you get discouraged. Especially
after the doctor’s visits where we were told there wasn’t anything wrong with
either of us. We took the doctors’ advice and still nothing happened. By last
Christmas, we had given up.
who has been in this situation knows that if the people around you are aware of
it, they offer you their own pointers. Lots and lots of pointers. From the
practical to the superstitious. We heard some downright crazy stuff. One of the
childbearing myths we got a kick out of came from both my mother and
grandmother who told us more than once that when we stopped trying, it would
happen. If we took our minds off it, we would get pregnant. Like magic. They
told us stories about couples who had been trying for a decade who gave up and
bought something really expensive – like a house or a nice car – and bam! it happened, just like that.
didn’t believe it. But we had given up. And in March, my husband brought home a
new “toy.” A jet-ski, to be exact. A very expensive, top-of-the-line kind of jet-ski. It was hard to
argue when I could tell by the look in his eyes that he had found his new “baby,”
and I had to admit that it was a fun, healthy distraction from the long years of disappointment.
few weeks later, I started to feel a little icky. When my “stomach virus” lasted
over a week, we began to wonder. We had been through this before. The maybe we
are/maybe we aren’t had happened too many times to count. But there was
something different about this time. Still, we put off the at-home pregnancy
test for another week. Then I couldn’t handle the suspense anymore. On April
Fool’s Day, we finally got a positive. Christmas had come nine months early and
we were ecstatic! And yes, my mother and grandmother very much enjoyed telling
us “We told you so!”
doctor told us to expect a Thanksgiving baby. Though the first trimester made
the holidays seem far, far away. My writing and blogging schedule took a hard
hit thanks to extreme fatigue and morning sickness that lasted from dawn to
dusk. Despite a demanding work schedule, the hub really stepped up and took
care of me and our little bean. By summer, the morning sickness had faded but
the crazy, southern, summer heat kept me indoors in the air conditioning. I took up a bit
of writing again, read a good many books, but didn’t return to blogging. I had
trouble focusing on anything none-baby-related.
the third trimester rolled around. I was surprised by how smoothly the
pregnancy had gone, despite the bumpy start. My doctor pleased us even more by
suggesting we should induce on November 19. That way, we could possibly be
home for Thanksgiving with our new bundle!
I walked into the hospital late the
night of November 18, was induced early the next morning. Shortly
after noon, I was ready to push and we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy
at exactly 2:24 p.m. After so long a time in the birth canal, he gave us a bit
of a scare, and instead of the skin-on-skin time we had planned on for months,
he was handed over to the amazing nursing staff and his lungs were
pumped. Three minutes after he arrived, he let out his first cry and the hub
and I – and everyone else in the delivery room, for that matter – dissolved into tears.

I was absent from blogging for so long, I wanted to give the Roses the first
glimpse of baby Jake as a way of saying thank you for being so patient with me
over the last nine months. And I wanted to wish everyone a happy holidays! I hope all your wishes and dreams come true and all your prayers are answered this holiday season!
Amber Leigh
Amber Leigh
Beautiful story and beautiful child. Congratulations.
Congratulations, Amber. A baby is the best gift of all. I would have given you the same advice as your mom and grandmom.
Bless your family.
Congratulations to both of you and to all your family. What a sweet little blessing! And your story was so wonderful - a jet ski - what a hoot! Best wishes to all of you for a lovely holiday season.
Huge congrats, Amber! He looks like a very sweet little guy.
I couldn't be happier for you! I've been where you were - 2 surgeries, fertility drugs, etc. - but it worked. Twenty-six years later, my beautiful daughter is still the light of my life. Huge congratulations on your new addition!!!
Well, I have to tell you this grandma is crying like a...baby. Only I'm not as precious when I cry as baby Jake. What a touching story of love and hope and miracles. A jet ski as a fertility drug...who-da-thunk-it. Blessings on your little family.
Now that's a beautiful story with a happy ending!
Thrilled for you, Amber.
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