Once that was out of the way, I moved on to writing this piece for this wonderful group of writers and readers. I wanted to share some happiness so I did a search to see if there is anything special going on for March 16th. I was amazed at what I found.
March 16th, in every year without fail, is “Everything You Do Is Right” day. Wow! How perfect is that? Imagine a day where you can’t go wrong. Imagine a twenty-four hour period where no matter what you do, you’ll do it right, without failure lurking around the corner to mess up an otherwise perfect day.
Think of all the things you’ll be doing today. Getting the kids off to school will be a breeze. After all, they will be doing everything right today, too. Breakfast will be perfect and on time. Getting the Significant Other on their way will be so smooth, you’ll want to call them home to do it again.
Getting yourself ready for what ever is in your day planner will be a cinch. The perfect outfit is ready and waiting for you in the closet. Everything you need will be where it is supposed to be, including your keys, glasses and cell phone, the three elusive items in my day. Today is going to be sheer heaven on earth.
You might think I’m being dramatic, but why not? How often do we get this opportunity to dream? As a writer, I love to take a small idea and run with it just to see how far it will play out. Three little words, “I wrote it”, were the beginning of my writing career. It turned into one 50,000+ word novel that grew into a six book series.
A little idea about revenge became an eighteen year writing exercise entitled Her Perfect Man, the story of Anna Scott, a girl in Southampton who thought she knew who her perfect mate would be. She senses things before they happen. Everything she did should have been right, shouldn’t it?

Her Perfect Man is available at Red Rose Publishing. It takes place in Southampton in the early 1900s and is an historical romance with a touch of paranormal. Here’s the blurb:
Anna Scott could see snippets of the future, what was going to happen before it happened. She learned at a young age how to use this gift to her advantage. She planned out her life, and knew that she would have everything she wanted. She could see it. Unfortunately, she couldn't clearly see the perfect man she knew she should marry, or the years of unhappiness she would have to endure before her dreams came true.
Colin Marsec would do anything to be close to Miss Anna. As they grew up together, he tried to make her see beyond her dreams, to see him as the man who loved her as more than just a surrogate sister. Once she chose Chase Trent over him, his reckless living trapped him into an unwanted marriage with a woman who would ruin his life.
Chase Trent breezed into Southampton fresh from America, presenting himself as the perfect man. Good looks, charm and money blinded the saucy Anna who was five years his junior. Chase was used to having the best and, on the surface this little sample of English tart would look good on his arm. To top it off, she thought he was perfect. On their wedding day, Chase proved to his bride that he was the furthest thing from the man Anna expected him to be.
And what of the flattering and attractive Justin Waring? With so many choices, will Anna find her perfect man?
Read an excerpt from Her Perfect Man HERE
I hope that what ever your day brings your way, everything you do will truly be right for the next twenty-four hours. You deserve a great day and I pray you’ll reach the end of the day with a satisfied smile.
Jena, thank you so much for "Everything You Do is Right Day"! I really needed that today. We're just home from vacation, and I'm up to my eyeballs in STD (stuff to do)!
Yowza!! I better start writing since everything I'll do today will be right. What a cool day. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, the kids didn't miss the school bus. We're on a roll with everything right.
My current WIP stars a heroine who sees snippets of the future, too. But in Salem in 1692, having "the sight" gets her into a heap of trouble. Sounds like your heroine was smarter about it than mine. LOL
I'm thrilled that you are off to a good start for today. I would like to have this about four times a year, at least. Where do we put in the request? lol
Hi Jena,
Nice blog. Is there a perfect man? Ooh three men to choose from, now that is good odds in any woman's book. Sounds like a great read.
Yes, Margaret, there is a perfect man. I married him over twenty years ago and he's sitting on the couch across from me as I write this! I hope you give the book a read, though, and let me know what you think.
Have an awesome Sunday.
I missed the day so everything I did certainly wasn't right. Your book sounds like a good read.
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