The upcoming holiday has also got me thinking about the place of fatherhood in romance fiction. According to anthropologists, women are genetically predisposed to select mates with characteristics that will make them good providers and fathers (i.e. a strong, healthy male will be more likely to produce strong, healthy children, as well as being better able to provide for and protect them). Apparently, potential fatherhood is always on our minds, consciously or sub-consciously.
We may not like it, but we haven't come very far from our prehistoric ancestors in that regard. Look at some of the most popular tropes in romance novels today: secret babies, divorced or widowed mothers, ticking biological clocks. All involve choosing a mate who will also be a good father. And how many traditional historical romances end with an epilogue announcing the birth of the couple's first child?
Fatherhood was a major theme in my first book, Harvest of Dreams. Here's the blurb:
Alone on her
farm in the middle of a blizzard, young widow Lisa McAllister labors to give
birth to her first child. Help arrives
in the strong hands of a stranger wearing a six-gun. Lisa has no reason to trust this man who
makes a living by violence, even if he is on the right side of the law. Men and their guns have already claimed the
lives of her father, brother, and husband, and she’s determined to protect her
son at any cost.
Their mutual attachment to Lisa's son is part of the glue that ultimately binds Jared and Lisa together. Their first kiss occurs after they've been up all night caring for the sick baby.
heard the bed ropes creak and sensed Jared’s presence behind her, but she
didn’t turn. His arms came around her from behind and crossed loosely against
her ribs, cradling her in an undemanding embrace. She went still for a moment, then
relaxed against him, and his arms tightened to hold her there.
better,” he said in a low voice over the top of her head.
She turned in his arms and leaned back to look up into his face. “He’s better,
because of you. Thank you.”
don’t have to thank me.” He stroked her cheek with rough fingers, continuing to
hold her close with the other hand. “I care about him, too.”
a long moment, they gazed into each other’s eyes.
The word was so low and deep it sounded more like a rumble in his chest than
her name. “There’s something I want, badly.”
eyes asked the question, but she already sensed the answer.
want to kiss you. I’ve wanted to all day...for weeks really. Please don’t pull
plea in his voice tore at her. That a man like Jared, who could take whatever
he wanted, was asking for permission touched her. He was giving her the power
to grant or refuse. He would never force her. But she couldn’t deny his need.
It mirrored
her own. She couldn’t
help herself; she nodded without looking away.
satisfaction swept across his face before he lowered his mouth to hers. His
lips were firm and deliberate as he worked to coax a response from her.
moved her mouth, but she wasn’t sure exactly what she was supposed to do.
Before he’d left for war, Dan’s kisses had been the tentative caresses of
a teenage boy. This
was completely different. Jared was a man, and beyond her experience.
for me. Please.” He nudged at her lips to show her what he wanted.
was dizzy with the new sensations and did what he asked without hesitation.
Immediately, his grip tightened and one hand slid up her back and buried itself
in her unbound hair. He used that hand to hold her head steady as he slid his
tongue into her
action shocked her, and she started to draw back, but his hand tightened.
he murmured raggedly.
was overcome by a longing to give this man what he needed. She stopped
struggling and forced herself to relax in his embrace. Soon the novelty of the
kiss wore off, and a fire began to burn deep inside her. She discovered her
arms had wound
themselves around his
broad, bare back and her hands were every bit as busy as his. Her tongue refused
to remain passive and wove itself around his in an ancient mating dance.
made a low noise deep in his throat and slid his right hand slowly down her
back. Then, as if he could stand it no longer, he pulled her hard against him.
A breathless excitement gripped her. The sensations were so thrilling and so
new she lost herself in the pleasure of it. Finally, he dragged his mouth away.
She collapsed
against his chest,
and they stood, holding each other until their heartbeats slowed and their
breathing returned to normal.
was the first to speak. “I’m not sorry.”
remained silent.
doesn’t change anything,” he said.
pulled back and looked up, shaking her head. “It changes everything.”
it doesn’t. The feelings were there before, and they’ll still be there whether
we act on them or not.”
didn’t try to deny it. “But we can’t, and it will be so much harder now.”
true. Now you know how much I want you, and I know you want me, too. I don’t
know where this is going, but we have to find out.”
don’t want to find out.” But a small voice inside denied the words. Part of her
had to know.
think you do, and I know I do. I’m not going to offer to leave, even though it
might make some things easier, not unless you can convince me you really want
me to go.” He cupped her face in both hands and searched her eyes. “Do you?”
knew she should say yes and remove the unbearable temptation of his presence,
but she couldn’t bring herself to speak the lie. She shook her
head. “No.”
lips moved in a tiny smile, then his serious expression returned. “I can’t tell
you I’ll never kiss you again, or touch you, or that I won’t want to get even
closer to you, but I promise I won’t press you for anything you don’t want to
give. I’d never do anything to hurt you. You know that, don’t you?”
Now it’s time for you to get some sleep.”
led her to the bed and tucked her in, his hands lingering as he smoothed the
quilt across her. Then he leaned over her, his expression rigid and deadly serious.
“I want you to know leaving you tonight is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to
do. But I want
more from you than
one night in your bed.”
closed the remaining gap between them and captured Lisa’s lips in a kiss filled
with frustrated desire and a promise of things to come.
Then he was gone. How do you feel about fatherhood in romance novels? Do you like stories that show the hero to be good potential father material, or do you prefer the dashing, unattached, alpha heroes? Maybe your choice depends on your mood. One of the best things about our genre is the variety. We have stories to suit every time and every taste.
Alison Henderson
Enjoy Father's Day with your husband. I know it's tough those first few holidays after losing your dad. As for fathers in books, several of my heroes are dads. I think it makes them more real and human.
Sorry about your dad. Keep him alive in memories. My first hero was a single dad doing his best for a teenaged daughter. The hero in my next book couldn't have children of his own and ultimately adopted. Guess I carry the hero and father theme too.
This sound right up my alley! Good luck!
Thanks, Jannine and Margo. I'm doing well with the approaching holiday. Actually, I feel my dad with me much more now than I did when he was suffering so terribly, and it's very comforting.
Glad you think so, Mary! Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Alison,
My first one without my dad, too.
My novels all seems to have children involved in them. Maybe its because I'm a mom and I love being a mom that it compels me to write about family. :)
Hi Christine, this seems to have been a tough year for so many people I know. My condolences for the loss of your dad.
Hi Alison,
Great post. I'm so sorry about your father.
I like variety. Sometimes a child in the mix works, other times it would just muck up the story.
Hi Melissa,
I agree. It all depends on the characters and the story. Thanks for stopping by.
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