
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Boredom Isn't On My List by Brenda Whiteside

Before cleaning and trimming
There hasn't been much time to write lately. I remember reading an interview of a famous author...wish I could remember who but can't. He said writing is what he does when life doesn't get in his way. The way I figure is, if a male can say that, then I'm really lucky to get any writing done right now. Sorry guys, but judging from the men in my family, men can be very linear and get what they want done regardless of what's going on around them.

You might know I live on a small family farm. My son the farmer has been off the
Cleaned and boxed
farm more than he's been on lately, so my husband and I are working double time. I've always been the first in line to weed, but now I water and harvest on top of that. Thankfully, he didn't plant as much as the last three years. The main time eater is garlic. The garlic is cured and must be trimmed, cleaned and boxed for the wholesaler. I think my carpel tunnel is threatening to return.

Although I've gotten only a few new pages written for book number four, The Power of Love and Murder, in my Love and Murder series, there's plenty going on for my author persona.

Post-War Dreams, a 1945 vintage romance, is complete and a release date should be announced anytime.

Book three in the series, A Legacy of Love and Murder, is on my editor's desk and I should be getting those edits soon.

The contract is signed with Amazon for a re release of book one in the series, The Art of Love and Murder. Next month, the book will be released under the Encore imprint with Amazon. This is rather exciting. Amazon requested the rights from my publisher and I agreed. With Amazon, so many more readers will be aware of the book which should open the door to the series.

Between garlic and the varying stages of my books, my head is spinning. Boredom certainly is not an issue
for me!

Brenda Whiteside spends most of her time writing stories of discovery and love entangled with suspense. The rest of her time is spent tending vegetables on the small family farm she shares with her husband, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Together, they’ve embraced an age-old lifestyle that has been mostly lost in the United States - multiple generations living under one roof, who share the workload, follow their individual dreams and reap the benefits of combined talents.

Visit Brenda at
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about writing and prairie life at


  1. Congrats on the Encore release. Best of luck with the garlic!

  2. Brenda, I'm excited about the Encore opportunity, as well. I love the teaming up we've got going on Facebook, with Kathryn Knight leading. Helps a lot! The thing about farming...there are few shortcuts in the process, with the luck (or not) of weather in the mix. Same with writing, isn't it? In fact, the more I write, my expectations intensify and I take longer at the process...makes cleaning garlic buds seem like a snap :-) Mush on, my friend...garlic and book sales ahead!

  3. Ditto on the congratulations for the Encore release. How exciting!

  4. Thanks for the support, Leah, Rolynn and Jannine. But Rolynn, I'd rather struggle with a chapter than a pound of garlic. LOL

  5. I have a garden, Brenda... I have no idea how I'd keep up with a farm. Love garlic, though. Thanks for feeding us!
    Best of luck with the Encore release!!

  6. It's a challenge, Stanalei. Thanks for the wishes.

  7. It sounds like you're getting plenty done. Congratulations on the soon to be released and soon to be published books. You're an inspiration. I read your article on your farm on your website (I think) and it sounds fascinating. Good luck with all your endeavors.
    All the best, Maria

  8. Thanks for your comments, Maria. Yes, getting more done than even I want!

  9. Love the cover of your Post War Dreams. Best wishes on all your releases & the garlic.

  10. Just back from vacation and catching up. Great news about the Encore release. Best of luck there. Also, luck with the garlic. May it be vendor ready very soon.

  11. Glad you like the cover, Diane. I sure do. Thanks, for the well wishes, Margo.

  12. Congrats on getting all that done! You sound too busy to be bored.
