
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Vacations and Babies

Last year at this time, we were celebrating a wedding. A beach wedding with a gorgeous sky and the perfect weather. Today we’re celebrating their baby. My daughter and I wanted to have a baby shower, but who wants to come to Michigan in February (the last time pregnant daughter-in-law could fly). Instead we’re having a “welcome to the world” party for the youngest member of our family. Although Hubs and I had seen her right after she was born, the rest of our family hadn’t. My sisters, especially, are thrilled that the baby will be at her own shower.

So the Arizona family left 103° Thursday morning to come to Michigan. DIL couldn’t get over the fact that she could have her coffee outside in the summer. I thought it was too warm and humid, but it’s all perspective, I guess. Yesterday, they picked blueberries with my daughter and her two children (who were thrilled to play with their new cousin). Then they all went to the beach. Son and DIL plan to show their daughter the beach where they got married. Not that she’ll remember it. But if this becomes a regular vacation for them, she will.

As for Hubs and I, it’s such a treat to have the whole family together. A rare thing when we live 2,000 miles apart. Yesterday I started freaking about everything that wasn’t done for the party. Then I held the little one. My blood pressure went down (I’m sure), I relaxed, and all that was important was holding her and watching her smile. She is just adorable, by the way. (I’m not prejudiced or anything.)

We don’t need to go anywhere to have a perfect vacation.

When Diane Burton isn’t blogging here on the 8th and 30th of each month or on her own site on Mondays, she’s writing romantic adventure stories that take place on Earth and beyond. Her newest release is a science fiction romance THE PROTECTOR.


  1. Enjoy your party and your family. I can barely remember when my girls were adorable little babies, since we've been entrenched in the surly teen stage for a while now. I'm not ready to be a grandma any time soon, but it does sound lovely!

  2. Grandkids are the best. I can be in the rottenest mood and Sadi can brighten my day. Have fun, Diane!

  3. My favorite thing about family reunions besides watching the little ones have fun, is trotting out the yummy food we don't let ourselves eat (much of) the rest of the year. Potato salad, deviled eggs, fresh fruit pies, fruit salad, steak, ice cream sundaes with whipped cream, breads, French toast. I could go on, but I'm being cruel to you and me :-) LOVE family reunions!

  4. How wonderful, Diane! Now that's what it's all about. Enjoy your beautiful family.

  5. Thank you all so much. The party was great. Everyone wanted to hold Baby and she was so great. Only fussed when she was hungry. Rolynn, you are so right about the food. All the stuff we don't allow ourselves to eat. It was so great to celebrate with family & friends.

  6. Can just see you beaming with pride, Diane. It is great when you can get all of your kids and grandkids in one room. For a while at least. Enjoy!
