
Friday, October 24, 2014

The Sailor Who Fell From Brenda Whiteside

Forty years ago, I fell in love with Kris Kristofferson after seeing the movie, The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea. I'd had a bit of a crush on him anyway, but the movie cinched it. The movie stayed in my top ten for a very long time although I hated the ending.

The setting is in England, on a rocky coast and the hero (sort of) is a sailor - so romantic. Wind swept coastline, dreary lighting and the churning ocean set the mood.

Forty years ago, I was awfully young. The memories I've carried with me about the movie mostly involve hot sex scenes with kink from the dark side. First of all the heroine, Anne has a very memorable scene all by herself while looking at a picture of her dead husband. The kink? Anne's fourteen year old son has a peep hole between his room and his mother's. Yep, he watches.

Enter Kris Kristofferson, a sailor who Anne takes to. That leads to the hottest sex scene I have ever seen in a movie without showing too, too much. But eww, the son peeps on them through the whole thing. He happens to belong to a group of boys that qualify as a nasty little gang. When the son becomes over the top jealous of Mom...the ending I didn't like.

When I Googled this movie to refresh my memory on the plot, I was surprised to see the movie was adapted from a book written by Yukio Mishima, a Japanese author. Since it originally was set in Japan and varied from the movie a bit, I'm adding it to my TBR list. Hollywood definitely took liberties with a cultural manuscript.

Maybe the book will be better, deeper, but I'll never forget that love scene with Kris Kristofferson.

Brenda spends most of her time writing romantic suspense. The rest of her time is spent tending vegetables on the small family farm she shares with her husband, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.Her latest book is The Art of Love and Murder, book one in the Love and Murder Series.

Visit Brenda at
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about writing and prairie life at


  1. I've never seen the movie, even though I have worshiped Kris Kristofferson what seems like my whole life, but there's a little too much ewww in there for me. :-)

  2. I remember hearing about the movie. I'll have to look it up. Love the tag lines on it. Best of luck with your new series.

  3. You should find it and rent it anyway, Liz. If you're a Kris lover it will rock your socks.

    Do look it up, Margo. And thanks for the well wishes.

  4. EWWW is right! Now I want to know what happens (although I think I can guess) but I don't know if I could get through the ewww factor!

  5. It's one of those, oh my gosh, but you can't quit watching. I just may have to find this movie and watch again after all this discussion. LOL

  6. Late, as usual. So sorry! Really enjoyed the post. I like Kris, but I'm not in love with him. :) It does sound like a fabulous movie, but the eeewwws are pretty eeewww, and yeah, I can guess the ending. I can handle ew, though, so I might just have to watch it.

  7. If you do, Alicia, let me know what you think of the love scene.
