
Thursday, October 23, 2014

When All Else Fails, Take Action by Margo Hoornstra

We had a couch to get rid of. No, more of a big, bulky, heavy blue plaid hide a bed we inherited and couldn't use. Phone calls offering the beast to various charitable organizations resulted in no takers. "We have no one willing to pick up a hide a bed. They're too big, too bulky, too heavy." That's a sample of what we heard. Needless to say, their protests didn't Fall On Deaf Ears. Our sentiments exactly.

And so it went. For a while, we suspended our quest to find 'old blue' a home. First we set him against the wall in our family room, he was later relegated to the garage.

Then, well, Fall hit. Winter wouldn't be far behind. Once the temperature dropped dramatically, the couch could easily Fall Into Danger of being infested with all sorts of varmints seeking shelter from the storm.

Not one to let this particular item on his to do list Fall Through The Cracks, my husband took action. On his own (take that, no one willing to pick it up) he loaded the monstrosity into his truck.

"I'll be back after this is delivered." With that, he took off to make the same rounds in person he'd traveled by phone.

Admiring, though not sharing his optimism, I wished him well. Imagine my surprise when he was back within a half hour.

Who knew, the first place he stopped, a supervisor would Fall Head Over Heels. Okay, so it wasn't exactly love at first sight from what I understand, but she sure did like it when this donation was delivered, unloaded and wheeled into her showroom.

So there you have it. When all else fails, take action. Which is what I plan to do with one of my books starting tomorrow.

In keeping with our current season, the price for Saturday In Serendipity will Fall to 99 cents, from October 23-27, in fact.

Saturday In Serendipity contains three full length stories of love rediscovered.

Three Strikes Thursday - A baseball great seeks to win back the woman he loves.

Two On Tuesday - She wants to revisit her past, he wants to become her future.

One Fateful Friday - She buried her husband in the afternoon then slept with his best friend that night.

Oh, and that last One even celebrates Halloween...and Thanksgiving...and Christmas.

Oh, and Jannine Gallant's She'll Never Rest will also be on sale for under a dollar. Hers is a ghost story!

It may be too soon, but I'll say it anyway. Happy Holidays!

My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd. For more about my writing, and me, please visit my website


  1. Great lesson in persistence, Margo! Good for your hubby.

  2. I love how you called the couch 'old blue' :) I live in a college town, you probably could've gotten rid of it as quick- except you might see 'old blue' back at the curb at the end of the semester.

  3. In my house, when all else fails, get out of the way. I'm a one-woman force to be reckoned with. Not that my husband doesn't do anything. He does a lot, but his idea of "right now" isn't exactly mine. Write on, RIGHT NOW

  4. Clever way to use all of the 'falls' and kudos to the persistence of your husband. I'm glad Old Blue found a home. :)

  5. Love the "life lessons" that come from every day challenges. I can identify with this one, too, because I'm a woman of action. :) Great post!

  6. Margo, I think I'll have to follow your hubby's example soon. Our garage needs some attention before winter sets in. Thanks for the incentive.

  7. Oh my, we have one of those hide-a-bed couches that I would like to either move to the spare bedroom or get rid of. We're facing similar problems. The bed is too big/heavy to maneuver into the bedroom and who is going to want to pick it up? I'm not sure what action to take. Maybe call Two Men & a Truck?

  8. When we got new couches last year, we advertised our old ones on Craig's List--FOR FREE. No takers. Charities didn't want them. Apparently people only want perfectly good furniture. Why would I be replacing it if it was perfectly good? But I digress... We ended up taking them to the dump and PAYING to get rid of them! Good for Ron for finding Old Blue a new home! Oh, and thanks for the plug!

  9. Inspiring, Margo! We've probably all had our 'Old Blue' in our lives (or basement, garage.... I'm off to check out your book sale!

  10. Maureen, I was raised in a college town. I've seen lots and lots of furniture recycled in my day. Actually, I kinda miss Old Blue.

  11. Betsy. Truth be known, that was 'exceptional action' for him. What made it so noteworthy, I guess.

  12. Thanks, Alicia. I used all of the falls in that way only because I couldn't think of how else to do it.

  13. Glad to have you, Kristen. It's the everyday stuff that makes life interesting.

  14. Loralee. Good luck with it! Actually, we should be doing the same thing.

  15. It's funny, Maris, once you have those monstrosities in the house, you can't seem to remember how they got there. Looks like Ron started a trend.

  16. Think we just simply lucked out, Jannine. Right place/right time and all that. You're welcome. Here's to many downloads for both of us!

  17. Thanks, Glenys. Hope you enjoy my work.

  18. A fun blog. Tried to get rid of old kitchen table set--no luck. Put it on curb with FOR SALE sign and someone stole it! Ha. Good luck with your stories--they sound like winners.

  19. Susan- I agree, setting things on the curb is often the best tactic. I've seen people take all kinds of broken down items off of the curb. I myself have picked up things, only to decide I didn't really have a use for them and put them out on my curb the next day. Margo- best wishes for Saturday in Serendipity. I love second chance stories. We all deserve a second chance!

  20. Thanks, Susan. Someone stole it? Unfortunately not surprising.

  21. Neat story, MJ. Kind of like traveling stuff. Thanks for the good wishes. Here's hoping.

  22. We have our own "old blue"--which now resides in our newly-finished basement family room. It's still in fairly good shape and could sleep 2 for maybe one night. :)

    We rescued our old entertainment center from our son's apartment. He was going to throw it out. I had plans to make a fun area in the basement of our old house. That never happened. When we were moving, nobody wanted it. We couldn't get rid of it. I hate to say it but Hubs broke it up into manageable pieces to get it upstairs & to the trash.

  23. I hear you, Diane. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Thanks for stopping.

  24. Persistence does pay off. Congrats on finding Old Blue a new home!

  25. Skimmed the blog on persistence. Courage means action.

  26. Thanks, Melissa. Persistence, also the battle cry of every writer.

  27. Yep, Rohn. Also the other way around.
