
Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Magic of Beginnings by Rolynn Anderson

"And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings." ~ Meister Eckhart

How fun it is to begin 2015 with a fresh focus!  A new chapter, I call it, complete with a fun subtitle.  In fact, guessing what 2015 will bring, is one of my pleasures.  I do set general goals, but I’m always charmed by the unexpected joys that come my way.

Many of you know that we’ve sold our big trawler  Four-month cruises were an important part of our lives (my husband and me…and many guests), for more than twenty years.  Some of my friends can’t imagine the two of us boatless, but we’re feeling pretty free and easy these days.  We can travel when and where we want to, including the summer months, and we don’t have to worry any more about what’s happening to our boat in its Washington State marina, while we’re living in California.  A heavy rain/wind storm hit our marina this month, and we only heard about damage on the dock weeks later.  Now, we’re down to one house and one yard, and I love the simplicity!

Magic of beginnings?  Oh yes!  My husband just bought a lovely convertible for me for my birthday, a car I’ve wanted since we came to live in California.  I had pretty much decided I wouldn’t be checking that particular box as “accomplished,” when my DH surprised me with the gift.  I swear, the car is magic, because I already feel ten years younger driving around in it.  Her name: The Empress.  Open to smells, sounds and unlimited sight, convertibles are such fun to drive!

For the first time in my writing career, I’ll put two books on the market in 2015.  I’m hoping for that magic to boost my spirit and my sales.

What’s something new and magical you’re hoping for in 2015?  If you write it down and tell me about it, it’s likely to happen! 

Happy New Year!  Rolynn


  1. What a great post! I love the idea of new beginnings. Wow, beautiful car! I bet you were thrilled. :) Hmmm...I can't think of what new beginning I'd like in 2015 right off hand, but you've got me thinking along those lines. I'll come up with something. :) Happy New Year and bes wishes on your new beginning!

  2. That is a beautiful car. Nice of DH to do the honors. Life is good for me as it stands now. More of the same, I guess, and continued writing progress.

  3. Happy New Year! I don't make resolutions or set goals anymore, preferring to take each moment as it comes. So, I guess I'm hoping to have lots of 2015 moments to enjoy, and wish the same for you and yours!

  4. How fun, Rolynn! Love your new convertible! Wishing you tons of fun in 2015.

  5. I understand that an aspect of magic that makes it extraordinary, is the surprise element. Our boat sale had a magical quality to sell a boat in two months to a fabulous couple we KNOW will love the boat as much as we did...amazing. And the convertible was a complete surprise. So, I guess we HOPE for magic in 2015 and REMEMBER and RELISH those wonderful moments, rather than plan for them.

  6. Beautiful convertible, Rolynn. Enjoy driving The Empress and enjoy the magic of 2015!

  7. I'd feel young and carefree in that car, too! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'd love to see all the roses achieve some of their writing goals in 2015. With a little magic, I'm sure we can do it!

  8. Just painted my nails (glittery red) and we're expecting 7 friends to join us in watching the Rose Bowl and enjoying spiral ham & clam chowder in bread bowls. I have poppers on the table for each person, too. Magic, we can make :-)

  9. Happy New Year! I promised not to make any resolutions this year. but I can share my goal of finishing two books I started.

  10. Love that new car, Rolynn! My goal is to release 3 books this year. I've been releasing 2/year so I'm upping my capacity. One may be a novella but that still counts. Right?
