
Friday, January 2, 2015

Start Something New by Jannine Gallant

And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. ~ Meister Eckhart

It's a new year and a new beginning. Are you starting something new? Are you expanding your horizons or sticking with the tried and true?

Sometimes I think the same old, same old is easier. Especially as we get older. But I'm taking the leap into the 21st century. Yes, I, Jannine Gallant, actually got my very first cell phone. Laugh if you will. I think I was the final hold-out in my generation. And, not only did I get a cell phone--I got an iPhone. Every time I want to do ANYTHING on it, I have to ask my daughters. So, my first New Year's Resolution is to learn how to use it! Wish me luck.

I'm also beginning a new book. Okay, I started it before the holidays, but I got nowhere fast. Now it's time to get back to business and write. A new book is fun. Getting to know your characters, sending them out into the world and throwing obstacles in their paths. Discovering all the ways your plot isn't working the way you thought it would...okay, that's not so fun. Still, the beginning of a book is my favorite part, when everything is fresh and exciting.

This is the second book in a new series. I finished the first one before the holidays and expect I'll be immersed in edits by the time you read this, as Margo (my CP) is probably closing in on finishing her critique. I bet you all think she's a sweet, lovely woman. I do, too--until I start reading the comments in the margins... Kidding, people! I ask for and appreciate every bit of her advice. After I edit that baby into shape, I'll have to decide what to do with it next.

Which brings me to another new beginning. In the past, I've published with small presses. I've self-published. In March, my first book with a big publisher (Kensington) releases. Every Move She Makes is currently available for pre-order. I can't wait to see how my baby does out there in the big, bad world of publishing. I'm hoping for great things but have learned to be cautious in my optimism. So, I think I'll hold off on doing anything with my new series until I see how sales go. Maybe sticking with the familiar will be the right path...or maybe I'll take a risk and trust the magic of new beginnings...

I'd love to hear your thoughts. If you're an author, what's your favorite part of a book to write? Are you going to take a leap into something new in the publishing world this year?

To pre-order Every Move She Makes click HERE. To keep abreast of my writing news in 2015, check out my website. Happy New Year!


  1. Are you saying i'm not a sweet and lovely woman? What!? All in a day's work, my dear. All in a day's work! Super excited about your latest. (Now that I put you on the right track. hmmmmmmm ;-)

  2. That's what I'm talking about. I need you to point out my blind spots!

  3. I'm so glad to hear about your phone. Now I feel much better. I've had a cell phone for years, but it's still my first flip phone. We keep thinking one of us will have to break down and get a smart phone one of these days, but as you can see we're not exactly early adopters.

    My favorite part of any new writing project is always the beginning, too. That's when the characters and story are still fresh and evolving. I love the creative high.

  4. Glad I'm not the only one lagging in the smart phone dept., Alison!

  5. Congrats on the new projects, Jannine. Learning to use a smart phone is very challenging. I know I'm not using mine to its potential. A new publisher, too??? Best wishes!

  6. Thanks, Diane. I keep forgetting I have the phone. It may be a steep learning curve...

  7. I love my iPhone, but that "steep learning curve" gets more precipitous all the time! (Did you see that word there? I looked up its spelling on the phone. )

    Good luck with the new book--and the Kensington release!

  8. Too funny about the cell phone, Jannine. But sometimes progress isn't always an improvement! Last night I had a long phone interview planned, and I was worried to use my cell phone with its "touch" surface. Every time I accidentally touch the phone to my face, I disconnect the call! So I used my hubby's old, reliable flip phone and it worked like a charm. Good luck with the Kensington release! That's exciting!

  9. Love it, Liz. I think precipitous was a vocab word in high school!

    Leah, my husband finally got rid of his old flip phone. We all upgraded--mostly because my daughters claimed to be the only kids in school without smart phones. My go-to phone is still the land line since cell reception at our house is horrible.

  10. I am a Techno-Dunce and I struggle with every new move I take on computers, phones, or even my new rice cooker--so I sympathize with your iPhone debut.
    As for writing--I love it when I come to those two sweet words "The End." Of course, then the revision begins and that I could cheerfully do without! Loved he post.

  11. Susan, I actually don't mind edits--as long as they aren't huge. Little stuff I can deal with. How to incorporate a major change escapes me. Maybe because I'm a lineal writer I find it difficult to drop in or crop out large chunks of writing.

  12. I would DIE without my cell phone! But it is an Android. From what I've heard, I wouldn't want an Iphone. I'm so happy for your Kensington deal, and I also hope for great things! As far as trying something new, I have so many unfinished projects I need to complete, but I have been slow-cooking a story idea for a while now. I hope to launch it this year. It's quite different. If it comes to fruition, I'll be sure to spread the word. :)

  13. Quite different must be SOMETHING, Ally. You already write a gazillion different genres... Now I'm reeeeally curious!
