
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Falling the Second Time Around by Brenda Whiteside

Two friends of mine were married many years ago, divorced, then married again. So if you fall in love with someone and fall out of love with him, are you falling again if you reconnect? Wikipedia defines falling in love as a concept of moving from a feeling of neutrality towards a person to one of love. So I suppose falling out of love would be moving back to the feeling of neutrality.

Where am I going with this? I was thinking of love the second time around with the same person you've been there with already. And if you can fall in love with the same person twice, I would think some of those firsts - like the first kiss must feel like a first even if it's not. It might even be more exciting since you have the memory.

What if the man you're falling for is your first husband, the one who rocked your world, the one you’re still not over? In Sleeping with the Lights On, Sandra is confronted with him eighteen years later, and he’s looking better than ever in his black cowboy hat, dripping his Texas drawl all over her. This Las Vegas country crooner is up to something and she should beware, but she can’t resist that first kiss...eighteen years later.

His fingers stilled, grasping my legs so the tips edged under the hem of my skirt. He brought his face so close I tasted his breath on my lips, sweet and wine soaked. I breathed in, intoxicated. “Carson what…”

He brushed his lips across mine lightly in a whisper “You, Sandra.”

I felt the words against my mouth more than I heard them. Our foreheads came together. The world beyond our touch had become so quiet I could hear the blood pulsing in my breast; could touch his warmth pressed against mine. My lips parted as the kiss became a gentle passion, inviting me to relish the moment of tempered desire, a brief taste, all the more covetous.

Love is lovelier the second time around. Thank you, Mr. Sinatra.

Visit Brenda at
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about prairie life and writing at


  1. Nice to wake up to. Sigh worthy excerpt, Brenda. Second time loves seem to be sweeter. My favorite kind of story.

  2. Great excerpt. I haven't tried a 2nd time with the same guy story, but it sounds like my type of read!

  3. Love is sweeter the second time around, especially when it's with that first love...I do think there are some we never, ever, no matter how hard we try, and even if we go in for shock therapy, get over.

  4. Fantastic excerpt, Brenda. I enjoy the "do-over" romances too! Maybe it's that romantic's wish for a "HEA"...if it can't be sooner, then we'll take it later.

  5. I'm sure you could tackle it and excel, Jannine.

  6. You are so right, Brenda. I went so far as to look up that one I never got over - on line that is. Found him and although the memory will remain, I was kind of glad I moved on. LOL

  7. A worthy plot line, Brenda. People change...and it's always interesting to see what made them change in order to make a relationship work.

  8. Yep, Rolynn, you have to have the changes in such a story line or it makes no sense.

  9. Love the excerpt! Sounds like a wonderful read. I've always thought falling back in love with someone seemed a bit unlikely. Maybe they never really fell out of love, because to me, when love is dead, it's really, really dead. :) As a country song I love says, "There's nothing cold as ashes after the fire is gone." :) But it does make for a nice romance!

  10. You're right that they never fall out of love, Alicia. The people I know who've gone the second round let other issues get in the way.

  11. Your excerpt made me sigh and add this to my buy list. Nice.

  12. Wow, Brenda. this sounds like a great story.
