
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I Fell...Every Which Way

For September, we're going to: Fall in Love, Fall to Pieces, Fall into Place, and Fall by the Wayside.

And that's just what I did! What a month...

I used to fall in love on a weekly basis - well, to tell the truth, I fell into lust. But lately, I'm so busy I hardly remember what that is. We saw the movie, The November Man, and darn if I didn't fall in lust with Pierce Brosnan. I'd always liked the guy, but wow, has age done him justice. I'm in love or lust...whatever.

Pickling season ended just in time on our farm because I was just about to fall to pieces. It's manic, the kitchen is in an uproar for two solid months, the cucumbers are everywhere and I'm a neat freak. It drives me crazy.

But just as I think I'm losing it, we get a week to breath between pickling and fall harvest so my psyche falls back into place. As I write this, I'm sitting in the RV next to the Colorado River. It's a bit hot still this time of year, but the relaxation is wonderful. Ahhhh...

Unfortunately, while I was falling to pieces during pickling season, my latest novel was a victim of "fall by the wayside." Not much was written. Which is another good reason to be sitting in the RV by the Colorado. As soon as I put this post to bed, I'm opening the file and getting caught up on The Legacy of Love and Murder.

Yep I'm ready for the greatest fall of all - Autumn!

Visit Brenda at
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about writing and prairie life at

My latest release is The Art of Love and Murder - romantic suspense and book one of the series.


  1. Ha, love how you worked in all the 'falling' into your post. Very clever. Also, loved the trailer! Great, great job. Definitely makes me want to read the book.

  2. Nice trailer! Some months are just like that. I've been away from home for 4 days and feel like it'll take me that long to catch up! You'll fall back into your groove soon enough!

  3. Thanks, Alicia. Jody Vitek did the trailer for me and she does great work. Yep, Jannine, know how that goes.

  4. Brenda, your life just gets busier and busier! We haven't traveled, but I'm putting the house back together after our 5th set of house guests since July. And we have another set arriving in 2 weeks. As my grandmother used to say, "No rest for the wicked."

  5. Alison, you've learned that certain places you live will garner you more house guests. LOL When we lived in Las Vegas, I had some visitors that had never visited before and haven't since!

  6. I'm with you on Pierce Brosnan, Brenda, except I've been a fan since his Remington Steele days. (Yes, I'm that old.) :-)

  7. And so am I, Leah. But of late, he's gotten a bit more rugged.

  8. I understand the mess of pickling, but the results are so worth the mess. I've just returned from four months on the boat...and hauling stuff from the boat since we've sold it. I'm chipping away daily on the mess in the house and the mess in the yard! I'm a neat freak, like you. Sigh!

  9. It's a curse being a neat freak, isn't it, Rolynn?!
