
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Failure Isn't An Option by Brenda Whiteside

Release date May 2
Failure isn't an option. I've just agreed to write and deliver a five book series for The Wild Rose Press. The series is called Love and Murder. The first book, The Art of Love and Murder, releases on May 2. The second book, Southwest of Love and Murder, is on my editors desk now. I'm five chapters into book three, The Legacy of Love and Murder. Books four and five are nothing more than a glimmer of an idea in my head.

I've never written on deadline before. I've never promised books that I don't have the plot planned yet. Hands are trembling slightly.

Yesterday, I did the math, figured how many words I need to write each week. It seemed a better plan for me to do it weekly rather than daily. Life can get funky on a daily basis. I live on a small family farm and this year is our first to take our pickles out to market while increasing our output at the same time. And then there's the granddaughter and my mom who lives down in the valley. So if one or three days a week I don't write, I'll just have to double my output on another day.

I thought I'd share my schedule with you. My success hinges on a schedule. That's my personality.

Working in the dirt attire
May to the last week of July:
5:30-8:00 coffee, email, promo
8:00-11:00 farm chores
11:00-12:00 shower, lunch, clean kitchen
12:00-5:00 granddaughter time (1-2 hours), write
5:00-7:00 dinner, clean kitchen (thankfully have a husband who cooks)
7:00-8:30 read and critique for my critique partners

Once the end of July comes, the pickling begins. I have NO idea how my schedule will work out. Wish me luck.

Visit Brenda at
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about writing and prairie life at


  1. First, congratulations on the book deal! That's wonderful! I've never written on a publisher-imposed deadline, but I can imagine the panic it would bring. Wishing you many, many stress-free writing hours. :-)

  2. Much luck wished, Brenda. But, since failure isn't an option, we already know you're going to succeed. Way to go on the book deal!

  3. It's nerve-wracking knowing you HAVE to finish by a certain time. When I accepted the 3 book deal, the 3rd book wasn't finished. They asked me to give them a date. So, I did a little math and came up with a reasonable word count per day. They put the date in the contract. Then I realized I'd forgotten to factor in editing time for my CP! So, my per day word count shot up. Still, I find it helps push me to get more done, and I'm managing the deadline just fine. Hopefully, the "have to" factor will boost your productivity too!

  4. Their time frame at least isn't listed with dates. Whew!

  5. Congratulations!!! It's difficult but exciting to work under a deadline. I find myself being more productive when I do. I love your idea of a target word count for a week rather than a day, and I love your organized schedule. Perhaps I should try that. Best of luck!
