
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Possibly My Busiest Month by Brenda Whiteside

April already the headline says. And I scream eekkk, it is. April means what are the possibilities of my finding much time to myself to do things like...write a blog. In addition to six family birthdays, a baby shower, three doctor appointments, three promised days with my mom and another three days up north with my hubby, I'm meeting two writing deadlines. No chance for boredom or breathing this month. But my mind feels a little fried.

In that spirit, I'm offering up an interview from a while back that I ran across and found a little amusing. The questions are answered by myself and Sandra Holiday, my heroine in Sleeping with the Lights On. Sandra is fifty and still looking for Mr. Right and the right career. Hope you enjoy.

Which do you prefer, cashmere, silk, cotton or denim?

Me: I’m such a denim person. I have more jeans than any other kind of pant hanging in my closet. I have several denim jackets. My favorite light weight coat is knee length and denim.

Sandra: Right now it’s denim. And it will probably stay denim if Carson is the man in my life. You know how those country western singers are. But if Wesley and I stay together – well the man is a millionaire. I may have to buy my first cashmere!

Hair length: long, shoulder, shaggy, short or bald?

Me: I love, love, love long hair – on men and women.

Sandra: You’re just an old hippy, Brenda. I like my hair long and so do my men. But I don’t like a guy’s hair to be longer than mine. I do like it long enough that I can get a hand full when I’m caressing his neck.

Eye color: brown, blue, green or hazel?

Me: I can’t say I have a favorite color. I love expressive eyes in any shade.

Sandra: Mmm…you should see Carson’s blue eyes, peeking at you from under the brim of his hat. It’s enough to make you squirm in your seat when he’s up on stage singing some country love song.

Performing arts: Opera, ballet, Broadway or symphony?

Me: Oh Broadway has my vote. I love the theater.

Sandra: I’ll have to agree with Brenda. Although, I once mentioned to Carson that I’d like to see a ballet. That was back when we were married. Las Vegas didn’t and probably still doesn’t have a ballet so he was pretty safe in saying we’d go some time. We never got around to it.

Jewelry: diamonds, pearls, jade or rhinestones?

Me: Do I have to pick just one? I guess I’d go with diamonds. They do go with everything, don’t you think?

Sandra: Of course they go with everything. Carson gave me pearl and diamond earrings the first year we were married. You know how many years ago that was! I quit wearing them after the divorce. Hmm…I should get them out again. Wesley and I haven’t been dating long enough for him to give me jewelry. I can only imagine what he’d come up with. Probably some jade antique broach thing. I’m sure I’d love it.

Flowers: orchids, roses, lilies or daisies?

Me: Daisies. Always. I said I’d marry the man who gave me daisies so after my husband and I got engaged, he gave me daisies. Smart of him.

Sandra: Ugh! Don’t mention roses to me. I have a secret admirer who leaves me different colors of roses. He’s trying to tell me something and I can’t figure out what. Wesley won’t admit it’s him and really it’s not his style. He’s a more in your face kind of lover, not the secret romantic type. I’d really prefer orchids.

Alcoholic beverage: Champagne, wine, whiskey or beer?

Me: I love red wine of any kind, but I like a sweet white occasionally, too.

Sandra: Sigh…Beaujolais. In Nashville. Okay, snap out of it, Sandra. I keep going back to Carson memories. Been there, done that, Carson. But I do like wine best. Although, the Champagne Wesley and I had the other night at dinner was to die for. So I guess I’d say any red wine or expensive Champagne.

Non-alcoholic beverage: coffee, tea, soda or water?

Me: Sad to say, coffee.

Sandra: Why sad to say? I heard the other day that a couple of cups of coffee a day is very good for women. So I’m a proud coffee drinker. If only I could remember to go to the store and get some. I keep running to Starbucks in my pajamas for my morning cup.

Me: You really should stop doing that!

Sandra: Like I have any choice! My week has been topsy turvy with the secret admirer, that redheaded Amazon stalker following me, Wesley’s attentions and now Carson shows up after eighteen years looking all sexy and inviting.

Weather: sunny, cloudy or rainy?

Me: What I love is weather changes. If we’ve had a stretch of sun then I love a cloudy day. And rainy days are great now and then if you’ve got a good book to read and nowhere to go.

Sandra: Give me the sun. Las Vegas has a lot of sun.

Me: Sandra! You’re thinking about Carson again.

Sandra: Do you blame me?

I don't blame her! Sleeping with the Lights On is a contemporary romance available at:

Visit Brenda at
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about prairie life and writing at


  1. Really fun interview, Brenda. Good luck keeping your head above water!

  2. Thanks, Jannine. And I'm getting good at treading. LOL

  3. Great and entertaining interview. Don't forget to breathe as you're in and around all your treading.

  4. This was a fun interview! It was great to hear from Sandra again. Power to the coffee drinkers! ;^)

  5. Brenda, I'm always amazed how busy - and accomplished - you are. Keep your Fins Up!
