
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gettin' the Author's Groove On by Brenda Whiteside

All writers have their methods of writing that open the door to the muse. They each have their own style to get their groove on, get the juices flowing. It all comes down to...

What... Where... When... How... do you write? I've gotten various forms of the questions, especially since I've published. Over the years, my answers have changed.

What do I write? The answer has always been romance but the sub genre varies. My first book was a contemporary. My current series of books in progress are mysteries. And in between I've written historical and western. I love them all and not sure which one will finally win out.

Where do I write? In the beginning, I couldn't write a lick unless I was at my desk. And I mean the actual physical act of writing. I wrote plenty in my head and most prolifically while behind the wheel of my car. In fact, I would write whole chapters in my head before I ever put fingertips to keyboard. But when I did write, I had to be at my desk on my computer. When I got a laptop, that changed. Or at least it evolved as my 'when' expanded.

When do I write? For many years, I worked outside the home and had little time to write. I thought I had to write in long stretches at my desk and at my computer. That limited me to weekends. I've never been able to do much after work besides eat and veg. Then I read The Artist's Way. I tried writing for fifteen minutes before work each morning and voila! I wrote nearly half of one of my novels in fifteen minute increments. Now I can write any time of day and for any length of time.

How do I write? Well, as they say, some things never change. I can't write longhand. I can't write with music playing or loud television or talking and laughing. I like it quiet. In the past couple of years, I've gained a bit more tolerance with some amount of background noise, but not much. There's always a drink of some sort to my write. Depending on the time of day, that drink will be coffee, tea, water or red wine.

I'm happy to give away an ebook of my novella, The Morning After, today. This is a contemporary western and part of a series for The Wild Rose Press. If you'd like to have a copy, leave a comment and your email address. Good luck!

Visit Brenda at
She blogs on the 9th and 24th of every month at
She blogs about prairie life on her personal blog


  1. I could never write with noise around me and always had to do it at my computer in my office. Then this summer I worked at a boat ramp where there are slow periods of time. I wrote a whole novella in a notebook, usually with a co-worker around. So I guess old dogs like us can still learn new tricks!

  2. Good morning, Jannine. Good for you. I did do some writing at one slow job I had but I had my own office and what little noise I could hear was easy to blot out. But I had to email myself chapters. Just can't hand write anymore.

  3. Morning Brenda! Your tolerance for noise will be making another adjustment soon :) Interesting how many techniques there are to writing. Being flexible seems to be key to your success...keep 'em coming!!

  4. Oh my gosh, Nancy. The baby noises may be hard to ignore. Sure hope we have our little RV by then. I'll need a place to retreat and write! LOL

  5. Great post, Brenda. Odd how our writing habits change over time. I love my laptop; it's one of the best inventions, ever. Now I can write anywhere.

  6. Thanks for sharing. I always have a diet coke in my hand when I'm writing. As a matter of fact, I have one now. Also, I write best with music.

  7. Vonnie - so true. I don't know what I'd do without my laptop. It goes everywhere with me.

    Jerri - I hear so many authors like to write to music and different kinds depending on the genre. I tried to play country when I was writing The Morning After. It helped for a couple of scenes and got in the way on others.

  8. Unfortunately, I have no talent for writing. I have trouble writing a letter. But when I need to concentrate I usually have my TV on as background noise.

  9. Hi Carol. Don't you wonder what people did before TV? It serves so many purposes other than entertainment. I know quite a few people who have to have it on to go to sleep. And others use it for company when they're alone. We are a TV generation.

  10. I'm a throwback who has to write by hand. It's encouraging to hear you, and Jannine evolved, Brenda. Maybe I can too!

  11. I think writing by hand is a benefit. I have a published author friend who can write anywhere, anytime because by hand or keyboard - she gets it done. Don't give it up, Margo!

  12. Carol, you're the winner of my ebook, The Morning After. I need your email address. You can email me at Congrats and thanks for commenting!
