
Saturday, November 24, 2018

`Tis the Season to...Shop? by Brenda Whiteside #booksale #holidaydeals

I'm not a very good shopper. When I was young and Mom wanted a companion for shopping, she always chose my sister. Walking the mall was a boring detail to tackle. As an adult, I'm still not a good mall shopper, but I discovered catalogs. For awhile, I was a catalog junkie. FDW would often find me sitting in the floor of our walk-in closet perusing my stack of catalogs.

Then came online shopping. Now, I go through my morning emails of store after store, some brick and mortar, but many are strictly online establishments. Most of the year, I delete 99% of them without reading. This time of year I tend to go slowly and open the ones that might lead me to that one special Christmas present. I come from a small family. My mom loves to give EVERYONE something. Being raised by her gave me the fever for giving at Christmas, even in lean years. Those times are almost as enjoyable because you really have to hunt to find something personal but inexpensive.

Books are the perfect gift. You knew I'd get to that...right? And in this day and age, you can even gift someone with an eBook which is really affordable and personal. Finding that book that suits the recipient's tastes can be rewarding. I have one of the Love and Murder series books on sale for five more days for $.99. FYI, it's available on Nook also.
And even when not on sale, they're a good buy. The books in the Love and Murder Series are award nominated and five star reads, so enjoy. Maybe treat yourself, too!

Read the first chapter of all of my books on my web site:

Happy shopping season!


  1. I have a small family, too, Brenda,and my mom was the same way. Everyone got something, even if it was just a pack of barrettes for our hair. (Those were the really lean years.) It taught me that it's not the value of the item, but the love behind it. (You're bringing back some poignant memories for me!)

    Great sale on the book! I already have it (and loved the whole series!) but might just buy to gift to someone. Books are the best gifts ever. :-)

  2. Can you believe I've friends that don't read for pleasure? I try to love them despite this character flaw. However, I'll be checking it out for myself.

  3. I'm glad I offered up some memories, Leah. Many years back, my sister-in-law asked if we should stop exchanging gifts. She's the only one left in FDW's family and only has one son. I knew they were really poor and if we didn't send gifts, they'd have nothing. I told her I understood and to please send us photo's or something made by her son. I told her I love to shop for them and send some little something they might need. I conceded birthdays, but had to hang onto Christmas. She agreed. And it's been fun seeing what we each come up with.

  4. Robin, funny. And sad! Can you believe I have family members who don't read for fun and have never read my books? Thanks!

  5. I hate to shop--in stores. I love shopping online. This year, I have 3/4 of my Christmas shopping done. All online. In the past, I've seen something, think "that's a good gift for xxx" I'll come back to that later. Wrong! I forget until it's too late. This year, if I see it, I get it. I still get catalogs, which I love to peruse. I love giving gift cards for books, esp. to kids, as I never know if the person already has the book.

  6. I love to shop...sales, especially. But no crowds; no pushing/shoving. I want to stroll with a thing or two on my mind to buy, but no pressure. I don't exchange gifts with my husband (the landscaping project is our Ho! Oh! No!) Same with family...we save our money to pay for trips to see each other at least once a year. Love this approach.

  7. I did a little online shopping yesterday. Usually I make at least one trip down to Reno to the mall. I do like picking out a few clothes for my daughters using the personal touch. We stopped gifting to the extended family (my husband has 3 siblings with spouses, and they have 3 kids each). That got to be a huge time and money suck. Books are always a great gift!

  8. Diane, I'm a buy it when I see it person too, especially if it's a deal and won't last. I had to dig out stuff yesterday because I couldn't remember what little things I'd already got. I do that now after one year buying someone more than I'd intended. LOL

  9. That's a good idea, Rolynn. Visits are good!

  10. I agree on the clothes thing, Jannine. I took my granddaughter shopping this year for early presents, but only because she is starting Kindergarten next week. It's fun to buy little girl clothes.

  11. Shopping is not my favorite thing to do. With four kids, spouses and four grand kids, things were getting a little out of hand, so my husband and I finally agreed to get in the name draw. But buying Christmas presents for the grandkids will never stop for me. I love buying books for them. My oldest grandson scours Amazon for used treasures in books, puts them in my cart, and click, click they’re his! LOL Such a deal for 99 cents. Love your series too.

  12. I used to only buy books for presents, especially at Christmas. I'd go into a bookstore and stay all day until everyone on my list had an appropriate book. Now I ask what cause/charity people support and make a donation in their name.

  13. We tried exchanging names for a few years (before most of the grandchildren) but it fell away when some younger ones didn't follow through. Now we each do as we please.

  14. Anna, I would've had a ball with books for all. I have to admit, there are a few in my family who don't read. Not that they can't. LOL Charity donations...great idea.

  15. I learned it from a friend who did it with her grandchildren. She'd ask them to research something they cared about and discuss it with them through the year whenever they talked then at Christmas she'd donate in their name. I thought that was a cool way to sow philanthropy and activism in the next generation.
