
Friday, October 26, 2018

Prepping for #NaNo

I think I'll do NaNoWriMo this year. I normally don't bother because I write every day anyway. But I'd like to finish 2 more books by the end of the year, so NaNo may be what I need to get that done.

I don't participate in the whole "track my words per day" thing. I never have. It's enough that I write every day and I stay on track to get the book done by X day. I'm about 1/3 of the way done with a current manuscript, and I may set my goal as not November, but the end of the year for both books.

It's good to have goals. I work best with a deadline, so we'll see if it helps. I have a bunch of other events going on between now and the end of the year, and this might not be feasible, so wish me luck!



  1. NaNoWriMo has been a disaster for me. I'm done torturing myself. :-) I do wish you luck, although I have a feeling you'll do just fine without it!

  2. Again, what Leah said. Wishing you luck, but I’m pretty sure you’ll hit your goals without it. NaNoWriMo doesn’t appeal to me either. The time spent tracking worlds, IMHO, is better spent writing words.

  3. Good luck! I'd love to finish my current WIP by the end of the year but I'm pretty sure that isn't happening. I need to get my butt in gear!

  4. You are so damn disciplined, JL...I never worry about you. Instead I'm intent on growing up to BE YOU! You don't need no stinking wrote the book on it! [patting you on the back, here, in congratulations!]

  5. I'm going to do the NaNo Pretendo mini version and hope to get to 25K by the end of the month. I think we know which of us is more likely to reach her goal. lol

  6. Good luck, JL (and you too, Alison) on participating in NaNo/NaNo Pretendo. A good friend is a NaNo coordinator for our area. I've never done it, but the concept is pretty cool. I see it as a motivator to write as much as you can. I track my words daily anyway. I like seeing what I've accomplished. Nothing difficult once I set up the spreadsheet for each book (I just copy the formulas from a previous one). I choose not to do NaNo because I always have too many things going on and don't need the pressure. I admire those who do it and then go on to revise those 50k words into a published story. Go for it, JL.

  7. Best of luck to you, JL. You're obviously a stronger woman that I. My goal is to never do NaNo again. Once was enough to inspire nightmares that continue to haunt me years later. Just the hashtag in your title was enough to give me the shivers. #NoMoNaNo ;-)
