
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October - My Favorite Month by Diane Burton

October is my favorite month. Here in the upper Midwest, the trees turn into the most gorgeous colors. The days are warm, while the nights are cool. After weeks (months?) of air conditioning, we throw open our windows and let the fresh air in. Yet, in some places, we turn off the air conditioner only to turn on the furnace without a break in between.

Besides the (mostly) gorgeous weather, the best part of October is birthdays. Mine, at the beginning of the month, was a big one. Daughter and daughter-in-law organized family pictures as my birthday gift. After nineteen years, I have a new photo, one that looks more like me.

Our twin grandsons celebrated their first birthday this past weekend. For our son and daughter-in-law, it’s been a long year, yet they say it went by so quickly. Like their cousins before them, the boys were anxious to be born, a month early. First one born weighed a little over 8 pounds, the second was almost 6 pounds. Now, they weigh in at 25 and 20. Each one is an armful.

As they grew, their personalities emerged. Boy #1 (age-wise) got his teeth first, all 6 of them. He crawled first, and now he walks. Still tentatively, arms outstretched, not too steady, but he’s so pleased when he reaches his goal. I love his ready smile, which lights up his eyes. After watching his brother crawl into my lap, he’s doing it, too. Probably the only thing he didn’t do first.

Boy #2 (five minutes younger) plays catch-up with his brother. Having four teeth hasn't slowed down his eating. LOL He’s a speed-demon crawler. Thank goodness, DIL has a kid “corral” so Hubs and I don’t have to race around the house after him. His smile is engaging as he speeds (crawls) to me as soon as I sit on the sofa. Then, using my pantlegs, he pulls himself up and launches himself into my lap. If I don’t pick him up fast enough, he grabs my shirt and pulls, too. That can be a bit risqué. 😊 Although he’s not walking alone yet, he makes it around the room by holding onto furniture.

Can you tell how enamored I am of those two? How much we missed when the older grandkids were this age because we lived four-five hours away, 2,000 miles away for Toddler Girl. I’ve mentioned before how thrilled we are to be living close to both families. As Hubs and I grow older and slow down, we still want to be able to share special times with all five grandchildren. Thursday is Grandparents Day at Toddler Girl’s preschool. You can be sure we won’t miss it.

Halloween brings October to an end. I’m not one for dressing up, but I love watching the kids as they race down the street, running up driveways, ringing doorbells, and hollering “trick or treat!” When it's not too cold or raining, Hubs and I sit at the top of the driveway, our bowl filled with candy by our side. The last couple of years, our next door neighbor sat with us, saving the kids a few steps. LOL We chat and try to figure out whose kids are whose. The costumes are so imaginative. From store-bought to homemade, the costumes remind me of Halloweens years ago when Hubs and I made them. Or when the kids raided the dress-up trunk and made their own.

For the past twenty years, we’ve lived in communities that restrict trick or treating to certain hours. Where we used to live, the fire/tornado siren blared the beginning at 6, then blared again at 8 to signal the end. Then, it’s lights out, and it’s all over for another year.

No matter which part of October is your favorite, tomorrow is the last day for 2018. Enjoy the last bit of Fall, because winter is coming. Brrrr.


  1. I also love October, Diane. We don't get the brilliant fall colors here (which I really, really miss), but we finally did turn off the A/C. (TPM/hubby is looking forward to a lower electric bill!) I used to love Halloween, handing out treats to the kids like you, but our neighborhood doesn't trick-or-treat. I've never known why, and it's been nine years now. We have kids on the street, but they seem to go somewhere else. Churches around here have Halloween evening activities, so maybe that's where they all are! It's weird! Anyway, wishing a fun day for all. (I Love your new photo, and I'm so happy for you that you're near all your grandkids.)

  2. Love that picture. It really is so you. Very nice. Your descriptions of your twins was a walk down memory lane for me with my twins, thirty uh some years ago. (Told you to tell your kids they WOULD get through that first year ;-) We don’t get trick or treaters on our dead end, country road, but do candy passing out duty so the grandkids can go get their stash. This year it’s a Halloween music concert, Number 1 grandson at Hope.

  3. Leah, this year the colors were probably brilliant except it rained. Now they're muted or gone. I think a lot of parents are doing the "trunk or treat" thing at churches, esp. when they don't know their neighbors.

  4. Thanks, Margo. I told them (that the year would get through the 1st year), but they didn't believe me. LOL We don't see as many kids come by here as we did in our old house. The 1st year we had tons of candy left over. Now, we don't buy as much. If you're at Hope, feel free to stop by.

  5. What a great year it's been and a great October for you!

  6. October is a lovely month here in San Miguel de Allende, where the Day (week) of the Dead is well underway. As I've said, the Day is meant to remember/cherish those who have died. The novelty here (instead of tricks or treats) is the whole skeleton thing...and fireworks. I'll get my face hat is brother comes to join in the fun Nov. 1. In sum, I'd say October has been grand. Thanks so much for sharing your news about your grandkids!

  7. We've had moderate temps and wonderful fall color here all month! No trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood of mostly second homes. I don't even buy candy. (Thank heavens, or I'd eat it!) Sounds like you've had a terrific month!

  8. Thanks, Brenda. February and March were not so great with the winter blahs. Amazing how the weather affects us. The rest of the year has been great.

  9. Rolynn, the Day of the Dead (or week) sounds like an amazing holiday. I've only seen the celebration in movies (like James Bond and Coco).

  10. Thanks, Jannine. LOL about the candy. That's us, too. This year, we bought a large bag at Costco and put it in the laundry room under some clothes that need mending. We won't open it until tomorrow night. This is a first.
