
Monday, August 13, 2018

Still mulling ...

I dug in and finished my latest manuscript when I got back from RWA, so all the promo and marketing ideas have been put on hold. I'm going to revisit all that over the winter and come up with a solid marketing plan for next year. I'll be sure to share when I glean ...

I have a release date for my next book (whoo!) in October, so that's fun. I am trying to decide what manuscript to submit next. I am giving myself a bit of a breather before I leap in and start a new book. In a month or so, I'll be heading out to a writer's weekend with friends, and that's where I frequently get new ideas.

During the hiatus between manuscripts, I'm going through all my possessions in a frenzy of Weed Out. I've donated three bags of books to the library and am determined to winnow out the books to one or two shelves full. I'm about to tackle going through my writing notes from when I taught writing classes. Surely they're outdated by now?

Then I'll look at the Old Stuff, the rough drafts and first drafts that I've hauled around with me for years. Keep? Toss? I think toss, but it'll depend on what I see there.

I love tossing out stuff. We plan a huge bonfire this fall (rather than shred, we roast s'mores). It's time to dispose of my mother's legal papers (it's been 7 years since she died), plus I have some other things to consign to the flames. Very cathartic. I plan to rearrange my office, get rid of some furniture and start afresh in the fall.

But until then ... the weed-out continues!



  1. Enjoy your tossing and mulling! I took a look in the closet where I store all our papers yesterday and figured it was time for some tossing. Then I shut the door and put it out of my mind. :-)

  2. I've had the downsize bug for some time now. Just couldn't find the time. Now I'm inspired! Good luck with yours. Love the idea of burning the papers. We can't burn in our little town. Time to look into a permit.

  3. I've downsized a couple of times. Odd things are piling up again so it might be time. Good luck.

  4. I still have all my notes from college in a box under my desk. Also, multiple copies of old manuscripts from back in the day when you had to mail hard copies. One has not been published yet, but the others are just clutter. Maybe after my summer job ends I'll get inspired!

  5. We live in the country, so burning is permitted. I'm planning a big party in the fall and will pile up stuff to burn until then.

    I had the hardest time getting rid of my old manuscripts and some of my old business and college papers. I figure I've hauled them around to about 15 different addresses over the years. Time to toss 'em. And you know what -- I haven't missed them!

  6. I confess to having college papers, too. But then I didn't start university until I was 44 and that was only 26 years ago. *Yowza!* Maybe it's time they went, too. I've been throwing and donating like crazy this summer, trying to weed out closets so they're not hazardous places when you open the door. Things are often hard to get rid of, especially if you attach an event or emotion to them. Good for you in being able to do that.

  7. Seems as if the 'tossing' bug has hit lots of us although, at the moment,my particular infection deals more with clothing than papers. Good luck.

  8. Congrats on finishing your WIP. As for tossing, I *think* about doing that. Then I go back to my WIP or NetFlix. I still have one box left of my mother's papers. She's been gone over 10 years. I think I can shred that stuff now.
