
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Pinterest by Diane Burton

In 2004, I quit writing. As I’ve mentioned before, Life intruded. A combo of events led to stress, more stress, and though I tried to write through it, I finally gave up. For the next four years, I barely kept up with email and my RWA chapter’s loop. No energy. No writing.

When I came back, sometime in 2009, so much had changed. Facebook, Twitter, Myspace. Huh? Blogging? I felt like the techno-clueless Gibbs on NCIS. My brother-in-law joined Facebook so he could show off his fishing skills. 😊 Hubs joined. I resisted. I’d heard so many horror stories about FB. After peeking at Hubs’ page, I saw the “light” and gave in. How wonderful to connect with family and long-lost friends. Gradually, I connected with fellow writers and saw other benefits of FB. Around that time, I also returned to writing—for fun, at first, then seriously.

When I joined an online group called Authors Helping Authors, I learned about the world of social media. Holy cow! I was overwhelmed and ignorant. A tweet? What was that? I was supposed to write a tweet for others to share? How was I supposed to do that when I didn’t even know what it was? With the help of patient people (like our own Alicia Dean), I learned. This old dog learned a lot of new tricks.

All right! I mastered (sort of) Facebook and Twitter. Cool. Then, I heard about Pinterest. A bulletin board where you pinned pictures? Huh? I’d heard about people doing that with pictures from magazines taped to poster boards. I didn’t have time for cutting and pasting. But how did that work online? I understood how it might be useful for crafters, mothers with young kids, but for a writer? No idea. Until I read a blog post about how authors could use Pinterest.

A whole new world opened up. A visual world. I created boards for each of my books then added pins of things that provided inspiration for the book. When I started, I worked backwards. The book was written when I added pins that went with it. For example, for my first book, Switched, (originally pubbed in 2001, re-issued in 2011) I added the following pins (pictures): a farmhouse and farmland (the story begins and ends on a farm), starships, Kaylee (the mechanic from Firefly because my MC is a mechanic), posters from the movie Vertigo (my hero has acrophobia). If I found pictures of actors that I’d choose to play the main characters, I added them, too.

Then I found more uses for Pinterest. Besides being “inspirations” for my story, the pins could be topics for blog posts. In my science-fiction romance, The Protector, my MC thwarts a trafficking ring then captures the ring leader. On my Pinterest board for that book, I added info on human trafficking. When I did a blog tour for The Protector, I wrote a post on human trafficking. I even have a board with pictures of the authors who’ve visited my blog with a link back to their post. (I really need to update that board.)

Once I caught up with the already published books, I began to use Pinterest for ideas for works in progress. That’s when the pins really did provide inspiration. The most fun I’ve had so far is finding wedding dresses for my work-in-progress board “Inspiration for Alex O’Hara #4.” Not just wedding gowns but bridesmaid dresses and mother of the groom dresses, and ideas for bachelorette parties.

Of course, I have more personal boards. Before we built our house, I looked for pins for the “home of my dreams.” I loaded my own pictures from vacations. Tampa Tourism used a picture I took of a dolphin in Tampa Bay for their board—without giving me credit, I might add. I have boards for travel, favorite places and those I want to visit, Dollar Store hacks for the home, recipes, quotations, and books.

But, here’s the kicker. There are only so many hours in the day. Writing is primary. Promotion, next. Can’t forget family and home stuff. Using social media to promote ourselves and our books takes time. I use Facebook and Twitter (add in Triberr, which amplifies the reach of blog posts into tweets). Other social media like Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Snapchat, etc. sound interesting take more time—first, to learn how to use it, then actually using it. At this point, I can barely keep up with what I’ve already joined.

Of all the social media that I’ve tried, Pinterest is my favorite. I figure if I’m going to use time not spent on writing, I might as well have fun doing it. If you’d like to check out my boards (and pins), here’s the link.

What social media do you like best?

Diane Burton combines her love of mystery, adventure, science fiction, and romance into writing romantic fiction. She blogs here on the 16th and 30th of each month. She shares snippets from her stories every weekend on her blog.  Her latest release is NUMBERS NEVER LIE, a romantic suspense, available at Amazon, free on Kindle Unlimited. 


  1. WoooWhooo! I got here before Leah. LOL (Just kidding!) So much social media potential, so little time. I admire your tenacity in learning so much of what's out there. I pretty much stick to FB and Twitter, though the ramifications of what amounts to their smothering of free speech disturbs me. That aside, we Roses are a testament to the power of internet communication. Would not trade all of my on-line friends for anything. Plus you and I, Diane, are lucky enough to have met face to face. Hopefully we can all get together that way in the near future. (Sorry. Got a little off on a tangent there ;-) I'm off to check out your Pinterest site. (It is a site, right?)

  2. I dared to look at your Pinterest page. OH MY! I better stay away from there. I can see how I would spend so much time there. I do FB, Twitter, and Instagram and truthfully don't fully understand any of them. I'm pretty adept at FB but I think I could use it better if I knew all the ins and outs. Otherwise, posts have such limited views. I truly hate the promo part of writing but I know we have to have a presence on social media. I think I might really enjoy Pinterest, but until I have a handle on my next series, I won't even entertain the idea of yet another social media link.

  3. No Pinterest for me. I just signed up for Instagram but only use it for non-book stuff like pictures of my dog... I've pretty much given up on Twitter since it seems like a huge waste of time. My focus has been on Facebook where "experts" say readers actually lurk, unlike with the other social media sites. Getting your posts seen has been a challenge, but I'm trying to make inroads on that front with different types of posts. Promo is HARD. Effective promo is nearly impossible. Enjoying it is always a plus. You seem to be having fun with yours, Diane.

  4. I lie/us FB best, even though I don't fully understand it. For instance, Margo's FB entries nudge me on my e-mail, much like birthday announcements. Margo, how did you make FB do that?

    I loved using Pinterest in the design of my landscapes, front and back yards. Occasional user of Instagram and Twitter. Worry about time-suck if I use them more.

    Glad you're back to your happy place with writing, Diane!

  5. Thanks, Margo. I love that we get to see each other often. Oh yea, Pinterest is a site. I hope the link works.

  6. LOL, Brenda. It's so much fun that I sometimes forget what I should be doing.

  7. Jannine, I do enjoy it. Big time suck, though. If I took more pics (other than my grandkids), I'd check out Instagram. Have fun with that.

  8. Thanks, Rolynn. I've learned some neat things on Pinterest, esp. with regard t the home. So many great ideas, so little time. LOL

  9. Rolynn. Re your FB question. I honestly have no idea FB was doing that. I certainly didn't/don't have the savvy to do it. LOL

  10. Social Media? I liken it to a size 10 girdle on my size @@ behind. It just won't work. I use facebook and twitter, encourage my street team to use it. I loved my personal blog but, as we know, that's outlived its usefulness. Pity that. Pinterest? I know how I would be. Wasting time is my guilty pleasure. I'm still trying to get back into the rigid routine of writing. I'll leave Pinterest alone for now. However, I'm glad it works for you and other authors.

  11. It sounds like you've mastered Pinterest, Diane. I've never even looked into it. I think I'm afraid to. lol

  12. Vonnie, you always make me laugh. Getting back to writing is more important than playing on Pinterest. I go in spurts. Then I leave it alone for a while.

  13. LOL, Alison. That's how I feel about Instagram, et al. I know I'd get sucked in.

  14. Margo was waaaay ahead of me, like 24 hours! Sorry to be late!

    I love Pinterest, Diane. It is by far my favorite time suck. I've started boards for my published stories and WIPs, but I've mostly used it for my own fun projects, like when searching for a dress for Son No. 2's wedding. I also love to pin recipes I see anywhere online that I'd like to try. It keeps them in one handy "file" I can reference. I have another board about food I love, one for a dream garden...all sorts of boards. The one that I find most often "shared" are the ones i did for the wedding: boutonnieres, church decorations, shower games and gifts. I checked out your boards and do have a lot! I'm going to try to follow your inspiration and try to focus more on books and writing. Thanks for the fun post!

  15. Thanks, Leah. I'm off to check out your boards.
