
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I Wish I’d Known Sooner: Life Hacks by Rolynn Anderson

Recently I learned the term ‘hacks’ from Wild Rose Press whose marketing director had authors contribute to a book of hacks as a gift to readers. These are life hacks as in short cuts or nifty tricks to make life easier. Since hacking earns a malevolent connotation these days (Russian Hacking, Target card hacking, etc.), I’ve had to make two camps for ‘hack,’ one positive and the other negative.  Let’s stick to positive and pay some good hacks forward

Deviled eggs.  Love them.  Hate peeling all those eggs and wrecking half of ‘em.  Guess what, if you steam the eggs for twenty minutes, they peel like a dream!  I ONLY FOUND THIS OUT TWO MONTHS AGO!  Think of all the time I’ve lost and stress I’ve suffered badly peeling eggs for half a century. (Oh sure, I tried adding salt or vinegar to the boiling water, peeling eggs under running water…don’t think I hadn’t tried every ding-dang method.)  How did I miss the news about the steam method, which is so slick and sure, I’ll be deviling eggs by the dozen.  Happily!

Waterproof mascara.  Discovered that early on.  No raccoon look…no dribbling gray stuff when tears come.  Love it.  16 hour lipstick (Covergirl).  I put lipstick on once a day.  Done.  Binder clips on the roll-up end of toothpaste.  All perfect hacks that I’ve used for decades.

So all you have to do today is contribute a hack or two that makes life easier for you.  And me.

Meanwhile, to take a look at a hackles life, enter my hero in CÉZANNE’S GHOST  He’s an American tour guide in Aix-en-Provence, France, and over the last months, three young women from the U.S. have disappeared on his watch.  Where are they, and will there be a number four?

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  1. My favorite hack is for the beach: Covered in sand and can't get it all off before heading to the car? Shake some baby powder on the "sandy" parts and brush away. It works like magic!

    I never knew the egg trick either! Thanks!

  2. I don't have anything to add, but thanks for the tip about the eggs!

  3. Wrapping a paint roller you just used in Saran Wrap keeps it fresh to use the next day. Saves a clean up in between. My husband heard about the steaming eggs and wants to try it. Thanks for the other hacks too.

  4. I love learning about hacks! By 'steam' eggs, do you mean in an actual steamer rather than boiling them in water? As for a hack, the only one I can think of right off hand is, I use a magazine file holder thingie for my boxes of foil, plastic wrap, and wax paper.

  5. My mind is blank. Either I'm so used to doing it the easy way, I don't think about it, or I do everything the hard way. I'm not sure which it is. LOL

  6. My mind is blank too, but that's nothing unusual. the only 'hack' I can think of at the moment is to use the Waze app or Google Maps for finding ways to avoid traffic, which out here is an absolute must. But thanks for yours, Rolynn.

  7. Okay, Leah....getting some baby powder ASAP. Cool idea!

  8. Lots of good stuff here. Nice hacks. I'm about saving time and money so if you don't know about online coupons, you need to. All of our stores here in AZ have cards (like member cards and your prices are lower if you use them). Register with the stores online and before you shop, load your coupons on the card. They'll be taken off automatically when you check out. Plus check for discount days. The store we shop give senior 10% off the first Wednesday of the month and Veterans 10% off on the 15th of the month.

  9. Angela, you are welcome. The lipstick hack...16 hour lipstick by Covergirl and Maybelline. I've tried both...only Covergirl stays smooth on my lips...but some of my friends find the opposite. So experiment.

  10. Margo, good idea on the paint roller. My husband puts the paintbrush (used) into a ziplock bag and zips it around the handle..puts it in the refrigerator overnight...for use the next day!

  11. Alicia, yes...steam those puppies on the stove, of course. The eggs aren't touching the water. Thanks for the magazine file box idea!

  12. Janinne, I understand the 'blank' feeling. So much of what we do is automatic...we do it how we were taught. No rush...if you think of one, share anytime. For instance, I freeze any package of nuts I've opened, including peanuts. They stay fresh...I'm a nut on freshness.

  13. Andi, you've got a lot of 'newness' going on with your move-in. No wonder your mind is blank (or two full of decisions to make to handle the hack questions). We want to see pictures, soon!

  14. Brenda, thanks for reminding me about senior days. I love coupons and 'deals'...I don't know why I've forgotten about senior prices. For the theatre, it's Thursday. I have two favorite restaurants that don't have a corkage fee (one on Mondays). I definitely take advantage of that!

  15. Love me some pool noodles from the dollar store. Hang on side of garage to keep from banging car door into wall. Cut up length and wrap around the legs on your bed frame(just learned that one)or to organize cords behind the desk.

  16. Some great new hacks for me. I've used a couple--wrapping paint roller and/or paint brush in plastic wrap; using magazine holders for alum foil, plastic wrap, etc. I did think of one--plastic wrap between the paint can and lid helps prevent skim on top. Also, write the room on the paint can, esp. when colors are similar. That's probably not a hack. Oh, well...

  17. R.E. your hack is brilliant...and colorful. And inexpensive!

  18. Diane, I love the plastic wrap on the paint keep paint fresh. Yes, for sure, write room on paint can..and you know how old the paint is!
