
Thursday, August 23, 2018

How to Kill a Character, Let Me Count the Ways by Margo Hoornstra

Right now, I'm deep in the soggy middle of, On The Make, my latest work in progress. Book 3 in my Brothers in Blue series, and going down fast.

In a nutshell, my heroine is pregnant and someone does not want that baby born at any and all costs. In fact, they'll even resort to murder to prevent it.

So far, she's survived being run off a steep embankment in her car.

And I plan to have her shot at soon in a faked robbery attempt.

Other than that, what else can I use to hasten her demise? In the covert, we want this to look like an accident realm.

Any ideas?

On the other hand, out and out murder may not be the answer at all. Maybe a series of less obvious lethal mishaps would suffice. A severe fall here, hit by a car there.

What do you think?

While you're helping me come up with ways to do in my heroine, here's a free download of a murder mystery short story I wrote based on a radio script my father once wrote. (To those of you who have seen this before, I apologize.)

Manhunt was a radio show broadcast out of Detroit based on police files of actual cases. "The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent."

Yeah, that show was the forerunner of another long running television show titled Dragnet.

Hearts and Flowers is one of those stories.

But, if you wouldn't mind, think while you're reading. I'll be waiting for your suggestions.

My days to blog here are the 11th and 23rd. For more about me and the stories I write, please visit my website


  1. TPM/hubby gave me a "Book of Poisons," Margo--I could do some research for you if it might help. I'm sure there are poisons that can be made to look accidental! :-) This sounds like a page-turner already!

  2. Oh, Leah. Thank you and thank TPM for me. Poison. Now why didn't I think of that? ***slaps forehead with palm of right hand***

  3. I did industrial cleanser in a shampoo bottle and an exploding barbecue in Wilde Horses. It's fun getting creative with murder attempts. How about a poisonous snake or spider in her desk drawer? That has the potential for nice drama!

  4. Ah yes, Jannine, I well remember those murder slash maim attempts. Then there was the icy porch in Wilde Thing. As usual, you've got my mind going, hopefully in the right direction. But, snakes? I HATE snakes. Although, going off on a tangent here, when Ron was in the Army and we were stationed in Texas, a scorpion walked out to the living room from our bedroom. We were so naive, had no idea what it was. He threw his boot at it for a direct hit, spewing out a huge pool of foul smelling, I now know, poison. Gives me the willies just thinking about it.

  5. Margo, it's tough to come up with new 'accidents' when so many plots display mayhem. But don't forget about how technology can mess people up. Remember the sub-sonic noise that drove our people out of an Embassy...their ears bled! Electrical oopses are always available. Cars fooled with, trip hazards... Good luck and thanks for the story!

  6. I use to watch all those true crime shows on TLC. In one a married man found out his mistress was pregnant. He didn't want the child and started dosing her food/drink with laxatives in the hope it would cause her to abort. That might be kinda gross for your book though...

  7. I used to lay on the dining room floor and listen to those old radio shows. So much better than TV because the stories and sound effects helped your imagination to grow. You could visualize from the spoken word. As for murder ideas, I don't know if I could add to what's been given. I like the bleeding ear thing Rolynn suggested. Doing some googing would probably give you how that was done. A mailbox bomb, perhaps. Or a Fed-Ex package full of snakes.

  8. Technology!!! ***slap to forehead*** Of course, technology. Oh, and my heroine lives in a very big house, complete with burglar alarm system. Oooooo! You've got me thinking now! Thanks so much. Knew I could count on you.

  9. Another AHA Moment! Thanks, Robin. Laxatives would be kinda gross, but I'm sure with some research I can come up with something.

  10. EEEEEWWW! Not more snakes, Vonnie. LOL (I Hate Snakes!) But the booby trapped package idea. Now THAT has possibilities. Much appreciated, Dear.

  11. Better clear your browsing history after you're done researching, Margo. LOL A small hole in the gas line could blow up the house or make her sick enough to have a miscarriage. Carbon monoxide poisoning--car running in the garage or tampering with the furnace.

    I didn't see a link for your story. BTW, I remember those old radio shows. I must have been a wee babe, of course. LOL I agree about having to use your imagination so much more than with TV.

  12. I'm late to the murder party, so can't think of much to add. But I agree with Diane. LOL

  13. Great ideas, Diane. Thank you. I’m sure you listened to those radio shows from your crib, or even the womb. LOL BTW the link is under the cover pic. Enjoy!a

  14. Hey, Brenda. Diane did have some good suggestions. Glad you’re here.
