
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Almost There by Barbara Edwards

The end is  in sight. My manuscript is in the hands of the editors and I am doing corrections. In a lot of ways this is the best part of writing. Someone else is reading it. Letting me know if something works or doesn’t.

This is also the time when I check that I have enough clues sprinkled through the story so the reader isn’t surprised by the surprise ending. I like this part. I go AHA! that’s exactly what I meant. 

Another big surprise is that the publisher is changing the cover art. Hmm. Although I liked the first effort, the one they showed me today is really beautiful.

I wish I could show it to you today, but not until its accepted by the committee. Same with a tantalizing excerpt. I have several scenes in mind. 

By Reservation Only will be a September release from The Wild Rose Press. I’ll give you more information as I get it.

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  1. That's an exciting milestone in the book's life, Barbara! I'm looking forward to seeing the cover and reading the tantalizing excerpt! :-) Enjoy this mini break!

  2. How exciting! I love that moment when I get my cover. This is a wonderful time when someone else is reading the story. I'm sure you've got a lot going on--getting promotion ready, etc. Try to give yourself a break and breathe.

  3. This is a great time in the process of a book. Hope you enjoy every minute. Best of luck and thank you for sharing the beautiful photographs.

  4. Lovely photos. Honestly, I thought the first cover was a bit bland. I'm looking forward to seeing the new one!

  5. Exciting news, Barbara. Love it when the reader 'gets it' the way we planned the plot...and buys into the twist we set up. Easier for a pantser...the villain is a surprise even to me!

  6. Yippee! It's always exciting to reach this point in the process. Best of luck.

  7. So many steps in getting a book released and each one is a bit of a rush. I'm wishing you great sales. But, ultimately, I'm glad you got to write the story you wanted. To me, that's the best part.

  8. You're almost there for sure. Good luck.

  9. I love that final stage, too, when it all comes together in one big swoop. Congratulations on your new release, Barb!

  10. Hi Leah,
    I'll be showing my cover soon. Thanks.

  11. Hi Dianre,
    Inhale exhale- still feel breathless. Thanks.

  12. Hi Margo,
    Thanks, I love to take pictures.

  13. Hi Jannine,
    You aren't the only one who thought so. Thanks. You'll like the new one.

  14. Ho rolynn,
    i jump in and hope for the best. This went well.

  15. Hi Vonnie,
    Thanks for the good wishes.

  16. Hi Andrea,
    Thanks for the good wishes.

  17. Exciting times! Congrats and good luck.
