
Monday, July 9, 2018

#Contest Central #Giveaways Galore

Good morning readers and authors. I've just returned from a two week plus road trip vacation, opened my laptop, and realized I have three contests going on. Yes, I knew...but I'm not sure how I forgot and scheduled multiple ones. Too much on my plate, I suppose. But how great for you. Enter all three (they're all easy) and you could win gift cards, books, Kindles, and I forget what all else there is. Good luck!!

For the month of July, Coffeetime Romance:

Also until the end of the month:

And there's only six more days to enter this one. Hurry! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. And the opportunities continue. I really, really need to take some major promo pointers from you. Best of luck with all three. Also, hope the vacation was fabulous!

  2. We want to hear about your vacation next post! In the meantime, great contests!

  3. Thanks, Margo.

    Jannine, I have to get unpacked and then compile my photos. I took picture on my phone, Frank's phone, and my camera. I have a mess!

  4. Can't wait to hear about your trip! I bet you are soooo behind, LOL. I know I would be! I'm also sure it was worth it. Thanks for the giveaway opportunities!!

  5. I'm with Margo...I need to start taking some serious notes on these promo posts! Also can't wait to hear all about the vacation!

  6. Alicia, I am more than behind. I've lapped myself. LOL

    Leah, I think I over scheduled these contest things but oh well.

  7. That vacation sounds so fun, & the contests are awesome! Thank you so much! :)
