
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Over the finish line by Barbara Edwards

After watching Justify win the Triple Crown I couldn't resist the comparison. I'm into the final stretch on my manuscript. I need to write the last chapter and I can submit it to my publisher. I sent my editor a couple updates so she'd be ready.

I'm so excited.

The plan is to do the edits and have the book ready to publish on Labor Day weekend. I can tell you to look for my name and new release, but I haven't given it a name yet.
Oh my. lots of suggestions are dancing through my head. (picture sugarplums) and I can't decide. when I do I will let you know.

I can give you a few hints. My manuscript is set in Vermont. I have a handsome hero (no surprise) with conflicts. Hmmm
In the last chapter I have to wind up all the loose threads.

Working like this has been good for me. I plan to keep going with the amount of words daily.  Only they will be in the other works I put aside to do this. I'll keep you informed of my progress. And the name when I find it.

Please follow, friend or like me. I love to hear from my readers.
Amazon Author’s Page


  1. That's exciting news, Barbara! I stink at titles but I seem to need them before I get into the guts of a story. Enjoy your home stretch! :-)

  2. I'm glad your new project has given you the motivation you needed to write!

  3. Way to go!! I look forward to reading it. Enjoyed the pics, thanks for sharing!

  4. Good luck with the new book--and thanks for the lovely photos.

  5. Hi Leah,
    I usually start with the title. it keeps me focused.

  6. Hi Alicia,
    glad you like the photos. I have thousands.

  7. Hi Andrea,
    Thanks. I need all the luck I can find.

  8. Congratulations, Barbara. That's wonderful news!

  9. That's super news, Barb. My current wip when through many titles until I hit on Numbers Never Lie. Whew. Good luck finding that right title.

  10. Progress is good. Whatever form it may take.
