
Monday, June 18, 2018

Giving Yourself a Chance by Jannine Gallant

That feeling you have when you pull everything together and actually believe you're on the right path... It's a great feeling! That's where I am right now. I finished my WIP and sent it off to Margo. Awesome CP that she is, she sent it back to me in under a week. She had some issues (nothing new there), but they were mostly problems I anticipated.

1) Too many relatives as suspects. Can't keep them all straight. I was afraid of this but was too lazy to remove any. However, after hearing her opinion, I'm getting rid of a couple. Not that traumatic, after all. Check.

2) TSTL (too stupid to live) moment. This one I actually hadn't anticipated. But I could see it once she pointed it out and have come up with a solution to my hero's momentary lapse. Check.

3) Hero lacks a defining moment and needs more conflict. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's an easy-going guy. Sometimes too easy-going. We figured out a way to have him act more "heroic" in the end, and I'll work on making him a little more irritated and less accepting in a couple of other spots. Check.

4) She didn't complain that my heroine is too much of a "kick-ass and take names" woman. I was a little worried she came off as hard. Daughter #1 loved this character because she thinks it's great when a woman saves the day. Based on the feedback from them both, my heroine gets to stay as is. Yippee!

So, I feel I'm on the right path with this book. It should be ready to send to my editor, along with the series proposal, before the end of the month.

Timing is everything, right? LOST INNOCENCE releases on June 26th--click HERE to pre-order! I have a BookBub ad out on June 26th for an old book, EVERY MOVE SHE MAKES. My hope is that the ad will produce prolonged sales for all my suspense books and give the new release a huge boost. So, my goal is to send my proposal for the new series off to Kensington by June 26th. If sales are the make it or break it factor for a new print deal, then the end of the month is the best possible time to submit. We'll see what happens. At any rate, I have a plan to give myself the best opportunity for a positive outcome, and that feels good.

Kristen at the river in Gasquet.

Finally, I just picked daughter #2 (Kristen) up from college. She had a good freshman year after a few issues she dealt with on her own. It's nice to see your kids "adult" without help. We spent a couple of days at my mom's house before driving home. Daughter #1 (Tara) is home from college already. She sent her med school application off on June 1st to 18 schools and now waits for requests for secondary apps (and then interviews) from schools interested in her. Crossing our fingers, but she did everything possible to give herself the best chance at success.

In short, we each do our job and try to set ourselves up for success. If we suspect a problem exists, there probably is one. Fix it. If we know what is necessary to get a certain outcome, then do the legwork to set up a positive situation. It's something to think about going forward.


  1. Congratulations, Jannine, on all fronts! That has to feel wonderful, especially because it's all through hard work, and a plan, not sitting around waiting for success to drop into your lap. (Stunning photo with Kristen!) Good luck with the BookBub ad!

  2. What more can I say than I’ve already said? LOL Get those edits done, and done right. I’m pulling for you, as always.

  3. It's great to have a fabulous CP!! Sounds like the two of you make quite a team. Congrats on all the amazing things happening for you and your daughter...yay!

  4. Leah, I do feel like hard work is a huge factor. The BookBub ad needed a little luck. But knowing I have it, I'm using it to my advantage. I hope! The photo is at "the forks," the locals swimming hole. I grew up playing in the Smith River.

  5. I'm getting them done, Margo! Only 2 chapters yesterday. I was playing catch-up after being gone. Today I'm at the boat ramp and intend to get a bunch done!

  6. Ally, Margo and I have a great CP relationship. We have a different way of looking at things that really gives a second perspective. Amazing will be if Kensington signs me to another print contract. I'm giving it my best shot!

  7. Wow, Jannine, you have a lot going on but you are one together lady right now Congrats on all of it!

  8. I too have a CP who takes no prisoners with my manuscripts. I've even floated series ideas off her to see if I'm OTL. So far, her comments have made the current work stronger. We're still tweaking the series before I send it to my agent...

    Glad you have time, Jannine, for things other than plot twists. Enjoy the girls. It's wonderful when the "adult" without you.

    Write away, Write now

  9. All's right in your world, Jannine. Look how far you've come as a writer...look at how accomplished your girls are. Savor the moments!

  10. I'm looking forward to hearing about your new project when you have it tweaked to your satisfaction, Betsy!

  11. I think we all have progressed by leaps and bounds since our beginnings in this business, Rolynn. The challenge is to keep up the pace going forward.

  12. Sounds like you're on top of it. Good luck with all these books.

  13. Thanks, Andi. I appreciate the good wishes!

  14. I'm thrilled, but not surprised, to hear you're in such a good place! Your editing issues sounded so familiar they almost made me laugh. It's good to know I'm not the only one. Huge congrats on landing the strategically placed Book Bub ad. I hope it pays big dividends with other sales. AND congratulations on being such a great mom. Your girls are launching beautifully!

  15. I'll take the congrats, Alison. The girls have their moments, but overall are shaping up into responsible adults. LOL
