
Friday, April 13, 2018

Back on target, #amwriting still

I took some time off for hip replacement surgery, and while I was down for the count, I also took time away from writing.

It was odd; it was like my book was in suspended animation in my head. I didn't think much about it at all. But when I sat back down at the computer again and re-read what I wrote, I was ready to get going again. However, it took awhile to get the rhythm back. I was so accustomed to all that 'free' time, I had to get back into my routine.

I'm back, now, and back on track (aiming for a chapter or more a week). So far, so good. But it has been a bit of a struggle. This isn't like when I take a break after finishing a book. This was more like my brain just went on vacation. It wasn't particularly refreshing and I didn't get a burst of energy when I got back into it, not like when I take a break after finishing a book.

This tells me that I need to keep to a regular writing schedule whenever I can. It's a habit with me, this writing every day, and its one I need to keep up with. So much of what we accomplish in life is based on habits, isn't it? Diet, exercise, work -- most are habits that we've cultivated. Writing has become a habit for me and that little break showed me how that habit can slide off the tracks.

So yes, #amwriting with a bit more insight into my own personal writing routines. That medical break was good for me, in more ways than one!



  1. It's interesting how you describe the differences in your breaks, JL, and I think your lesson is a good one for all of us. I agree about developing good habits, and I'm starting to redevelop mine for writing after a dry spell that lasted too long. You seem to have turned a corner back toward where you want to be, and that's a good thing. :-)

  2. I couldn't agree more. When I don't write for a few days for whatever reason, it's extremely difficult to get motivated and back up to full writing speed. Even when I'm editing my previous book (not my WIP), I have a difficult time going back to it after a break. Having figured this out, I edited for Alison in the morning and wrote in the afternoon to keep my writing mojo going. It took longer (she didn't give me a quick turn around deadline like my own editor does), but it kept me on track. We all learn, eventually, what works for us. Glad to hear you're back at it, JL!

  3. I'm lost to writing, in a good way. I'm picking plants for the landscaping and I can't believe how fun that is. I'll be showing you 'draft' pictures soon. What's more, I'm spiffing up the house with two new chairs...throwing out a couch and a chair...and rearranging the great room. These are fun choices as well...even deciding where a throw pillow looks best gives me a thrill. I'm hosting book club today and hubs and I host 10 people on Monday-so food choices are on my Do list. So these are these creative realms that feel satisfying like writing. Come Monday, I'll be hyped to put a shine on my novel...second round editing. I am definitely a pantser in comparison to you, JL...I'm laughing at myself as I write this.

  4. We sure are creatures of habit, aren’t we? I’ve discovered I write, as in creatively write, better in the late morning, or afternoon. I use the morning hours for non writing tasks, promo and such. So far it’s working. Welcome back to your former schedule.

  5. Glad you're recovering nicely! I agree, habits make all the difference in the world. I have not developed a daily writing habit, but I MUST do so.

  6. Good to hear your recovery went well. I would've been surprised to read that you were able to write at all. It takes a while to get the anesthesia out of your system, and the effects of trauma on your body are greater than expected. We're all creatures of habit. Writing every day is a good habit to develop. Mine got sidetracked for over two weeks while I was sick. Now, it's time to get back to it.
