
Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Spring Selfie by Mackenzie Crowne

As a woman with a clear memory of the first moon landing, I consider it an accomplishment that I even know what a selfie is, never mind having mastered the art taking one. Okay, just kidding. Well, maybe not about the taking one part. I haven't quite mastered the talent and usually end up cutting off most of my head, but the truth is, while I can be old school about some things, I raised two new millennial kids and I'm hip! J I'm also a romance author. I write stories for women of all ages, therefore I must keep abreast of what today's trends are so my stories are fresh and up to date. And speaking of a breast - I've understood the concept of a selfie since long before it was named word of the year a few years back. In fact, a selfie saved my life.

Yep, you read that right. If not for a selfie, I wouldn't be here. I'm talking about the original definition of the word of course - the breast self-exam - and it's the best gift I ever gave myself. So this spring, why not share the gift of life? Remind your friends and loved ones to do those selfies. Then go ahead and be a little selfish. Give yourself a selfie too.

This spring breast care reminder is brought to you by WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR NIPPLE? A survivor’s guide to navigating the breast cancer abyss with humor and hope. Available at Mac’s Amazon page.

When Mac isn’t reminding her friends to do life-saving self-exams, she spends her time weaving HEAs for her characters, like Meggy Calhoun, the heroine of THE BILLIONAIRE’S CON, available at Amazon and wherever e-books are sold.


  1. Great reminder, Mac. I'm of the same approximate generation as you, I think, and I remember getting those "selfie" cheat sheets that demonstrated the proper technique. I haven't seen one of those in a long time! Nice job on the image "selfie," by the way! I think you've mastered it!

  2. I agree nice selfie. You got this! Great reminder. I lost my mom to the disease because she put off the selfie. Not me, or my daughters. Now a blatant plug for colonoscopy (definitely not selfie material ;-) Saved my life, too.

  3. Terrific reminder, Mac & Margo. Both my sisters are breast cancer survivors. Yay! I'm not a selfie-taker (the kind with a camera). I've tried. It's just not something that comes natural. You did a great job.

  4. Love your plays on words, Mac...and thanks for the reminder...just got my mam memo in the mail...gotta make the appointment! I'll bet your 'Where...Nipple' book has been a success, yes?

  5. Done! Thanks for the reminder. And now I'll go remind my FB friends with your post, since it's Thursday.

  6. An important reminder, Mac. My mom is a breast cancer survivor. I do a selfie on a regular basis. (Not the photo kind!)

  7. My mammogram is scheduled and on the calendar. :)

  8. You girls totally rock. It warms my heart to know you're all looking out for yourselves as you should. It's amazing to me how many women, young and "seasoned" like us, avoid the issue for one reason or another. They don't understand that early detection can mean the difference between a relatively simple battle and a knock down, drag out - God, when will this end - fight for your life.

  9. I read this several years ago and have given it to many of my friends. With a dear cousin who's a "double," I am a constant reminder to my friends to do their monthly exams and annual mammos if they "are of an age." Just had mine this month. All clear...

  10. One more thing, the 3D is the way to go I’m told. Get mine in May!
