
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

#amwritinginbetween I hope

I am not a full-time writer. I have a full-time job, I volunteer (a lot), and Life occurs, so I don't consider myself a full-time writer. But I am a professional writer, both in my Day Job and in my fiction job. I'm a business person and I am a professional in that I know my craft and I do my job and I think I do it well.

I have to #writeinbetween everything else that goes on in life. This is true for most authors unless you're like Nora or others who can block out their day to write and have minions handle the rest of life. It really doesn't matter if you work a day job like I do. That sucks up 50 hours of my week, but other writers have other activities that suck up their lives, too.

This month was a lesson for me in #writinginbetween, because I had to write in between pain. I had a hip replaced and that's a Big Surgery. I was mostly inert for 2 days, used a walker for 4 days, a cane for a few days, then a week after surgery, I was up and moving pretty much okay, albeit slowly.

I'm a naturally active person. I normally score 10K-15K steps a day, no problem. But this recovery has sure make 10K steps a goal, not a reality. I'm getting 6-8K a day and I strive for 500 steps an hour. If I sit for long periods, I get stiff, so that's a good goal.

I found that probably through a combination of drugs and pain, I didn't do any writing, which was expected. But it's been surprisingly hard to sit down again and focus on writing now that I'm really in recovery with no drugs and pain that's manageable. I'm working on a book that I want to finish my mid-year, so I need to write a chapter a week. I'm reviewing the 10 chapters I wrote before I was sidetracked and I'm ready to launch into new work.

I need to find that rhythm again for writing, get back into that headset of "let's sit down and get some work done. Forget about the pain and the stiffness, let's do this." The words are coming, but boy, is it slow.

So here's to all of us who have lives that get in the way. Keep chugging away at it, a word at a time. We'll get there; it's a marathon and we're in it for the long haul. Take plenty of breaks and know that you can do it.

#amwriting and #amwritinginbetween



  1. Oh I totally understand the "writing in between"--don't worry, you'll get your groove back. In the meantime, feel better!

  2. I always have a problem getting back into the writing grove after a break, forced or otherwise. I just finished editing the last book in my current series and am having a hard time picking up my new WIP where I left off. I feel your pain. I'm glad your recovery is going so well!

  3. You've always been my hero for the amount of writing you get done "in between" ever since I met you nearly a decade ago. But I have to admit even you are human. LOL So sorry about the pain. I know you'll rebound but don't rush it. Take care.

  4. JL, none of us doubts you'll be up to speed in no time. The pain pills mess up your head, so what you are experiencing isn't the real 'you.' Plus, the body reacts to the surgery, so normalizing all the 'parts.' takes time. Aging and surgery bring new challenges, but nothing we can't handle. Thanks for the pep talk, too. We're stepping up with you!

  5. A hip replacement! That's a tad more than recovering from a root canal. Yay you for improving so quickly, although it may seem slow to you. Daily progress is a good thing. Feeling like writing again will come. It will. It's too much a part of who you are.

  6. JL, you have my undying admiration, both for the hip op and the full time job. I'm in the process of remodeling a house back to the studs and I'm going crazy with trying to remember everything and oversee so writing has gone by the bye-bye for now. Can't imagine how you manage, but here's to a speedy recovery.

  7. Hang in there, JL. You can do this! I, too, have trouble getting my writing engine revved up again after a hiatus. My husband has had both hips replaced. One about a year ago. He just got off the treadmill after doing his daily five miles! And i’d Venture to say he’s a tad older than you. LOL

  8. JL, Count me among your admirers for your ability to focus and be so productive with your writing, while managing a busy full-time job (and more). I'm in a similar situation (without the surgery!) and have been in a writing "funk" for a long time. Recently I changed up my before-work schedule which seems to be helping. I am confident that you'll get your rhythm back. In the meantime, allow yourself to heal and recuperate and be proud of all you've accomplished.

  9. JL, I admire your ability to move so much after surgery. I'm sure they got you up the day of your surgery and made you walk. Sounds like you've gone above and beyond. Don't be so hard on yourself. As Rolynn says, all of your body reacts to surgery. Anesthesia takes a long time to dissipate. That can make it hard to focus. Add in pain drugs and it's easy to see why you're having a hard time getting back to your story. As people have told me when I was in a funk over not writing as fast as I wanted, be kind to yourself. I hope your recovery continues to go well.
